passing argument in a function as integer problem



Hello Everybody,

I have this sub that display an array, I create a function that select
the correct range for my array. i have a problem to pass the argument
to the function

Sub displayArray()
Dim s(3, 3) As String
Dim arraysize, size, i As Integer
Dim rng_adrss, string1 As String

s(1, 0) = "A"
s(2, 0) = "B"
s(3, 0) = "C"

'rng_adrss this is the return string from my function
'size is the input of my function

size = 3

Debug.Print size

rng_adrss = selectRange(size)

Debug.Print rng_adrss

range(rng_adrss) = s

End Sub

Function selectRange(size As Integer) As String
Dim i, arraysize, j, h As Integer
Dim rowcell, newcolumn, salut, addr1 As String
Dim rng As range

arraysize = size

Debug.Print arraysize
Dim addr As String
addr = ActiveCell.Address

j = ColRef2ColNo(addr) ' return column number
h = j + arraysize
newcolumn = ColNo2ColRef(h) ' return column letter

rowcell = ActiveCell.Row
arraysize = arraysize + rowcell

Set rng = range(ActiveCell, newcolumn & arraysize)
addr1 = rng.Address

selectRange = addr1

End Function

my problem is that my function does not accepted my variable size tell

I do not know why?


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