passing arguments to events



Hello and goodmorning, I don't know if this is possible but I would like to
pass an object to an event. I want to do something like this:
sub main()
dim somearray(50) as string
.... other code

call commandbutton_Click(byval somearray())
.... other code
end sub

private sub commandbutton_Click(somearray() as string)
.... code goes here
end sub

my problem is that when I do this it says that there is a duplicate private
sub commandbutton_Click(somearray() procedure and wrong number of arguments.
I am wondering what I can do. Maybe a class? I am not sure what I can do. Any
help would be greatly appreciated.
PS Any additional information you may need please let me know and I will
provide it.

Ivan Raiminius

Hi Paul,

setting public variable dimensioned in top of regular module might be a



Thanks for the suggestion but I am try to put my code into a dll and I can
seem to get the dll to recognize the public array. It just bombs. I know this
is an unusual request. but the search continues. :) thanks for your help.

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