Hello I have a form called frmMaindB and it has 5 text boxes on it
(txtEmployeeTime, txtDTRegular, txtDTReason1, txtDTReason2, txtDTMaintenance)
when I double click on the text box it opens up a form named
frm_DecimalConversion. On this form I have two text boxes one box I enter
data into and the other calculates or converts the data to a decimal. The box
that converts the data is called txtDecimal. Then I have a close button whic
I want to use to close the pop up form and incert the data into the text box
I double clicked in to get the data needed. I have read that I need to use
the OpenArgs. But I have no clue how to get started? Someone told me to use
this in the box I double click into to get the pop up (Docmd.OpenForm
"frm_DecimalConversion" , , , , , , 1) and to use a diferent number like
2,3,4,5 for the other text boxes I double click to get te pop up then they
told me to do this:
Then wherever you're running your code in your popup to populate the main
form textbox, use
Select Case Me.OpenArgs
Case 1 'this will be the textbox that you used the number 1
Forms!frmMaindB!TextBox1 = Me.txtDecimal
Case 2 'this will be the textbox that you used the number 2
Forms!frmMaindB!TextBox2 = Me.txtDecimal
Can someone please explain or give me an example of what I need to do
because I dont quite understand....Thanks!
(txtEmployeeTime, txtDTRegular, txtDTReason1, txtDTReason2, txtDTMaintenance)
when I double click on the text box it opens up a form named
frm_DecimalConversion. On this form I have two text boxes one box I enter
data into and the other calculates or converts the data to a decimal. The box
that converts the data is called txtDecimal. Then I have a close button whic
I want to use to close the pop up form and incert the data into the text box
I double clicked in to get the data needed. I have read that I need to use
the OpenArgs. But I have no clue how to get started? Someone told me to use
this in the box I double click into to get the pop up (Docmd.OpenForm
"frm_DecimalConversion" , , , , , , 1) and to use a diferent number like
2,3,4,5 for the other text boxes I double click to get te pop up then they
told me to do this:
Then wherever you're running your code in your popup to populate the main
form textbox, use
Select Case Me.OpenArgs
Case 1 'this will be the textbox that you used the number 1
Forms!frmMaindB!TextBox1 = Me.txtDecimal
Case 2 'this will be the textbox that you used the number 2
Forms!frmMaindB!TextBox2 = Me.txtDecimal
Can someone please explain or give me an example of what I need to do
because I dont quite understand....Thanks!