Passing Date from a form to SQL Select


Little Penny

I'm having problem passing dates from a from in to my query so I can
load a recorset in a another form. I"m getting runtime error 2001.

GCriteria = "[JobName] Like """ &
Forms![frmSearchByJobandDate]![txtSearchString] & "*" & _
""" AND [JobDate] >= """ &
Forms![frmSearchByJobandDate]![CboBeginningDate] & "*" & _
""" AND [JobDate] <= """ &
Forms![frmSearchByJobandDate]![CboEndingDate] & "*" & """"

Form_frm_LogJobDataView.RecordSource = "select * from tbl_JobData
where " & GCriteria

I'm sure my syntax is very bad but I can't figure it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Little Penny

Tom van Stiphout

On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 19:53:33 -0500, Little Penny

Dates need to be wrapped by #-signs, assuming your back-end is Access.

Microsoft Access MVP

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