Passing Excel.Application object from C# to C++



I am trying to pass an Excel.Application object from c# to c++ DLL via

The c++ code expects an IDispatch.

The Pinvoke Wizard suggests:
public static extern short Initialise(ref LPDISPATCH pExcel);

so I have tried this code c#:

public static extern short
Initialise([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]ref object pExcel);


public static extern short
Initialise([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]ref object pExcel);

And this is the code that calls the routine.

Excel.Application excelApp= (Excel.Application)application; //(from
Connect class in COM Addin)
object o=(object)excelApp;
Initialise(ref o);

When the c++ code is called it throws a COleDispatchException error.
m_wCode is 00000000 and 80020005 respectively.
Any ideas on how I should pass the Excel Application object?


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