Passing Form input to stored procedure to populate a report



I know this has been asked before but I can't find an answer I
understand. I am new to ADP and in many ways wished I had just linked
tables in an MDB. Never the less, the power and flexibility for other
front ends when all is done has kept me pushing forward. Microsoft
provided an informative article 235359 discussing passing a form
selection to a second display form but I can't separate the chaff from
the wheat. It appears obvious that we have to pass the form value to
SQL somehow so it knows what to crunch on, but my research has shown
several possibilites and now I'm all flummoxed.

So, I have a table RAMain. I would like to return data in that table
that is filtered according to a form (frmCSRSelect) where the user
selects a value from the field "CSR" (CSR is a field in RAMain). Then
I'll populate a report based on the stored procedure or function or
view or whatever. (Try figuring out the difference between those
without a peer group or in MS help)

FBGBF (Fairly Bright Guy with Brain Freeze) thanks you in advance.

Geoffrey Clark
IT Manager
ProTeam, Inc.
marish01(delete me)

AkAlan via

This is how I pass parameters to a function, it's a rather lengthy process
and you need to read it through a couple of times to really get the bigger
picture but it really works well.

1st, create a function (I will call this fn_INV_Lookups) with the parameters
you need. The one I give in the example uses 7 parameters.

It is important to have default values for all the parameters. Don't worry
about it for now, I will tell you some things about making the parameter
defaults later on.

Next, use this as your recordsource during developement.



Having the word Default in the function allows you to design the report or
form without getting the little green marks in the text fields.

You are going to collect all the parameter values from a command button that
opens the form or report and pass them to an array vaiable, so first lets do
that. We will get to passing the parameter values later.

Create a module (I called mine modGlobals).

In it define a global variable , this is where you will pass the parameter
values to

Public astrParams(10) As String

This is an array type variable that will hold 10 string values numbered 0
through 9.

Then create a procedure to parse these parameters (the ones we will pass from
the Report/Form Open procedure, we will get to that later)

Public Function GetParams(numParams As Integer, astrParams() As String) As

' this function pulls a number of strings from astrParams and compiles them
into a Parameter list
' suitable for passing to SQL Server in a sp or function call

Dim strParams As String
Dim i As Integer

strParams = ""

For i = 0 To (numParams - 1)

strParams = strParams & astrParams(i) & ","


' strip off last comma

strParams = Left(strParams, Len(strParams) - 1)

GetParams = strParams

End Function

Ok so now we need to populat the parameter values into the asrtParams()
variable. This will go in the On Click event of the command button you use to
open the form or report. It is rather long since I use 7 parameters but it
will give you some ideas on how this can be used. Notice how we reference
the asrtParams by place holder as we populate it. You need to know the order
of parameters the function is expecting them in . One way to know for sure is
to simply open the function from the query list. You will be prompted to
input the parameters in the order in which you created them and therefore the
order it is expecting you to pass them in.

On Error GoTo Err_btnReport_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim strFilter As String

If chkSite Then
astrParams(0) = "'" & cboSite.Value & "'"
astrParams(0) = "'%'"
End If

If chkShop Then
astrParams(1) = "'" & cboShop.Value & "'"
astrParams(1) = "'%'"
End If

If chkCat Then
astrParams(2) = "'" & cboCat.Value & "'"
astrParams(2) = "'%'"
End If

If chkSOS Then
If (cboSOS.Value <> "SP") And (cboSOS.Value <> "BS") Then
astrParams(3) = "'" & cboSOS.Value & "'"
astrParams(4) = "0"
astrParams(5) = "0"
If cboSOS.Value = "SP" Then
astrParams(3) = "'%'"
astrParams(4) = "1"
astrParams(5) = "null"
astrParams(3) = "'%'"
astrParams(4) = "null"
astrParams(5) = "1"
End If
End If
astrParams(3) = "'%'"
astrParams(4) = "null"
astrParams(5) = "null"
End If

If frmReport.Value = 5 Then
astrParams(6) = "'P%'"
astrParams(6) = "'%'"
End If

Select Case frmReport.Value
Case 1
stDocName = "rptINVListing"
Case 2
stDocName = "rptINVReconciliationSheets"
Case 3
stDocName = "rptBinLabels"
Case 4
stDocName = "rptYellowTags"
Case 5
stDocName = "rptBinStatusCards"
End Select

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

End Sub

Now for the last task. In the form/reprot On Open event we need to create a
way of getting the parameter values from the asrtParams() variable. Here is
how we do that.

Create a On_Open event procedure:

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim strFilter As String

strFilter = GetParams(7, astrParams)

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM fn_INV_Lookups(" & strFilter & ") fn"

End Sub

Ok if you are still with me I will give you a break down of the sequence of

So when the user clicks the report button...
1) The form with the command button(FormA) calling the Form/Report looks at
what options the user has selected on the form and fills the parameter array
2) FormA calls the report (no filter needed)
3) The form/report (in On_Open event) processes the global parameter array
and creates its own parameter list.
4) The form/report changes its record source property to reflect user
5) The form/report opens

More thoughts. Once you are finished designing the report , leave the
recordsource empty, as you can see it will have a recordsource once it opens.
I found that it will first grab all the default records then refilter in the
on open event.

As for function defaults, that can be a little tricky. If you are dealing
with a string type, you need to put Like @Param1 in the criteria block, not
=@Param1 like with an integer. Then go to the function properties and put in
'%' which is a wild character for All.

There are other issues with defaults for Bit types and if you get that far
just repost here and I'll help you with that.

Hope this helps.


ZOMG! You answered that in 20 minutes. Makes me feel like the old
Taylor song...10 miles behind me and 10,000 more to go. Thanks very

AkAlan via

Your'e Welcome. I just spent the last few months migrating from mdb's to SQL
and adp's so I can relate to what you are going through. My response was a
saved document so that part was easy. I have other samples for creating
recordsets with stored procedures as well as sql update and insert into
statements. They all took time to figure out for me but they will save you
time. Let me know if you want them and I'll post them here.
ZOMG! You answered that in 20 minutes. Makes me feel like the old
Taylor song...10 miles behind me and 10,000 more to go. Thanks very
This is how I pass parameters to a function, it's a rather lengthy process
and you need to read it through a couple of times to really get the bigger
[quoted text clipped - 205 lines]

Chamark via


I'm looking for much the same. In Access we could use a form to pass
parameters to a query. I need to be able to pass begin and end date
parameters from a Web form to multiple MS-SQL Views. Anything you have that
can help me with that? Thanks in advance for your help...Mark
Your'e Welcome. I just spent the last few months migrating from mdb's to SQL
and adp's so I can relate to what you are going through. My response was a
saved document so that part was easy. I have other samples for creating
recordsets with stored procedures as well as sql update and insert into
statements. They all took time to figure out for me but they will save you
time. Let me know if you want them and I'll post them here.
ZOMG! You answered that in 20 minutes. Makes me feel like the old
Taylor song...10 miles behind me and 10,000 more to go. Thanks very
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]

Vadim Rapp

So, I have a table RAMain. I would like to return data in that table
that is filtered according to a form (frmCSRSelect) where the user
selects a value from the field "CSR" (CSR is a field in RAMain).

For user's selection, create form1 with empty recordsource (unbound); place
a combobox, specify its rowsource as SELECT CSR FROM RAMAIN and
controlsource as the field CSR; specify the name of the combobox = "CSR"

Then place another form2 as subform on form1; specify subform's master and
child fields both as CSR. For the form2, specify recordsource as your table
I'll populate a report based on the stored procedure or function or
view or whatever. (Try figuring out the difference between those
without a peer group or in MS help)

vVew is a wrapper around a single SELECT

Stored procedure makes sense as a whole program with many t-sql statements;
for example, if today is Monday, select this; else select that.

Function makes sense as "artificicial datasource" which programmatically
generates a table-in-memory on-the-fly. Example - a table with random
values, different each time.

Note that you can base report on select statement directly, without creating
any of the above.

Vadim Rapp

AkAlan via

I haven't yet worked with web pages so I can't help you there.

I'm looking for much the same. In Access we could use a form to pass
parameters to a query. I need to be able to pass begin and end date
parameters from a Web form to multiple MS-SQL Views. Anything you have that
can help me with that? Thanks in advance for your help...Mark
Your'e Welcome. I just spent the last few months migrating from mdb's to SQL
and adp's so I can relate to what you are going through. My response was a
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]


if you want better parameterization

a) create a sproc with 2 parameters @DateStart and @DateEnd
b) have a simple binding between the form and the sproc
c) on the form header have 2 controls named 'DateStart' and 'DateEnd'
d) set these equal to the value you want to filter for


I believe that this functionality is undocumented; but I use it all the



Vadim Rapp said:
For user's selection, create form1 with empty recordsource (unbound);
a combobox, specify its rowsource as SELECT CSR FROM RAMAIN and
controlsource as the field CSR; specify the name of the combobox = "CSR"

Then place another form2 as subform on form1; specify subform's master and
child fields both as CSR. For the form2, specify recordsource as your

vVew is a wrapper around a single SELECT

Stored procedure makes sense as a whole program with many t-sql
for example, if today is Monday, select this; else select that.

Function makes sense as "artificicial datasource" which programmatically
generates a table-in-memory on-the-fly. Example - a table with random
values, different each time.

Note that you can base report on select statement directly, without
any of the above.

Vadim Rapp

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