Passing Grade - Help again



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Hi all,

I am preparing an exam marksheet.

Grades for two subjects, History and Geography, are filled in cell E9 and
F9, respectively.
Grades are from A, B, C, D, and E.

In cell G9, I want a result to show overall result i.e. "PASS" or "FAIL"
when grades are filled in E9 and F9.

Requirement to PASS:-
Students must get at least a C in BOTH subjects. (no grade D or E in cells
E9 or F9).

Can someone help me with the formula?




Ugly, but it works.. In G9 enter: (And Copy down)


opps, 2 things:

didn't understand your comment
(no grade D or E in cells


You might try =IF(AND(E9<"D",F9<"D"),"Pass","Fail") in the G9 cell etc.

I don't know how familiar you are with Boolean concepts (grand words
easy stuff, actually) and ASCII codes. The essence is that a formul
like this does two things:

it compares a cell value with a letter just as you do in sorting ( "A
is less than "B" etc: the ACII code for "A" is 65 and for "B" is 66 an
so on);

it then says "if (both E9 is less than "D" and F9 is less than "D"
then register a Pass, otherwise (else) register a Fail". I know it is
bit anti-intuitive to say a "C" is less than a "D" (after all, we al
know a "C" is _better_ than a "D"), but ASCII is not a value-judgement
it is a number.

Sorry to get a bit pedantic, but better that than over-complicate wha
is both fundamental and very straightforward

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