passing parameters to a web page


Tom Brophy

I am trying to pass parameters to a web page and have that page use the
parameters to show specific records. I'm using 'Passing Parameters to a Data
Access Page' (from the Microsoft Access 2002 Technical Articles) as a basis
for what I'm doing but not having much luck. I know it's correctly passing
the parameter to the second page because I'm showing a Msgbox and it has the
correct information. But I'm not able to use that parameter to show specific
records that I want - it pops up the parameter entry every time. Here is
part of the code that I'm using:

<SCRIPT language=VBScript>
Dim SJSUser
Dim SJSPassword
Dim errNot_Found
errNot_Found = "NOT_FOUND"
SJSUser = ReadVariable("SJSUser")
SJSPassword = ReadVariable("SJSPassword")
MsgBox (SJSUser)
'set the parameters
'MSODSC.RecordsetDefs("tblCity Query").parametervalues.add "State:", SJSUser
MSODSC.RecordsetDefs(0).parametervalues.add "State:", SJSUser
'delete the cookie
document.cookie = ""

I have tried State: with and without brackets [], I have tried the name of
the query "tblCity Query) but it appears that nothing works. The more I
think about it the more I wonder if I should be 'adding' a parameter value or
somehow setting the one in there already? I'm just not sure.

Anybody have any help for me. Any code samples would be fantastic.


Tom Brophy

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