Passing repeating data (array of strings) to web service



Good evening.

I have an InfoPath form with one repeating section. This section contains
one text box. So user can add as many text items as he wants.

I would like to pass this data to my .net web service which accepts an array
of strings but it simply doesn't work. In my web method it looks like no
parameter came in.

I've tried to save web request stream to disk and found out that there is
probably problem with serialization on InfoPath side and/or deserialization
at web service side.

And, I'd like to state that actually the problem isn't only with strings. I
can make strings work somehow, but the same problem have with array of array
of bytes (byte[][]).

Does someone have some working example or is this just impossible? I
wouldn't like to call web method from code, I use UDC files on SharePoint
server so I rely on built-in functionality of InfoPath when calling web
service's method.

Thanks for any help,


I'm having exactly the same problem here... I've played a bit with what
parameter should my web service accepts but it does not change.

I was unsure also about what xml node of my document I needed to pass. the
textbox itself or it's repeating section's parent?


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