Passing text + commands to word



Hi all,
I'm trying to pass MS Word some text and I want it aligned a specific way.
How can I send command to Word to apply it to specific part of text that is
being passed to it? I would appreciate any help. Thanks.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Junaid,
I'm trying to pass MS Word some text and I want it aligned a specific way.
How can I send command to Word to apply it to specific part of text that is
being passed to it?
what programming interface are you working in? Could you show us some code
you're using to declare the Word application object and pass in the text so
that we can demonstrate to you how the syntax should look? All we can really
tell you at the moment is that you need to use the RANGE object for putting
the text in AND formatting it.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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