Passing variable values between code modules.


Steve S

I have three variables defined in the dclarations section of a form as:

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Compare Database

When I type any ao these variable names in ANOTHER form (to pass the value
fron one form to another) they are recognized. I know this because if I type
the the name in all lower case the correct letters are changed to upper case.
The problem is the values are not passed. I test this with a message box.
In for A they are what I expect but the first line the code for borm B they
show as nulls or blanks. How can I pass values from one form to another.



Jeff Boyce


I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those variable
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated as
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why not have
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST pass, use
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/MVP
Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Common error that causes this: you are "Dim"-ing the variable in the other
module as well. Don't do that.

If this isn't what you're doing, then you'll need to give us a lot more
detail about the code steps that are in the other modules, and details about
what you're doing with the forms.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Jeff Boyce said:

I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those variable
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated as
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure inside a
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time that another
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially is a
read/write property of the form.)
But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why not have
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST pass, use
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the value from
that textbox.

Steve S

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an not
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " & strNewContestName)
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " & strNewContestName)

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID

Steve S

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an not
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub

MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,


Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " & strNewContestName)

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID

More code follows but the msgbox is what is important now

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's module, you
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which it's
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named "FormA",
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the variable:

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form object
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a public
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then do not
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to worry about
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the variable to
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry over"
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an not
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " & strNewContestName)

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure inside a
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time that
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially is a
read/write property of the form.)

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the value
that textbox.

Steve S

Thanks. Looks like the simplest method is to just create a "regular" module
that just contains the definitions of the variables I want to share among
various forms. The other two options work as advertised but I need to
remember KISS.


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's module, you
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which it's
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named "FormA",
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the variable:

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form object
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a public
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then do not
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to worry about
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the variable to
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry over"
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an not
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " & strNewContestName)

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID

Ken Snell (MVP) said:

I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated as
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure inside a
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time that
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why not have
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST pass,
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the value
that textbox.

Steve S

Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them in the
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or Reports

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now when I
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first occurrence
of one of the variable names.

“The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: The
object doesn’t contain the Automation object intNewContestIDâ€

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's module, you
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which it's
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named "FormA",
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the variable:

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form object
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a public
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then do not
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to worry about
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the variable to
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry over"
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an not
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Comp are Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " & strNewContestName)

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID

Ken Snell (MVP) said:

I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated as
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure inside a
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time that
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why not have
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST pass,
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the value
that textbox.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Do not put the Dim statements inside a sub or function. They go at the top
of the module before any procedures. This is the "Declarations" section of a

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Sub Procedure1()
MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them in the
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or Reports

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now when I
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first
of one of the variable names.

"The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: The
object doesn't contain the Automation object intNewContestID"

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's module,
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which it's
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the variable:

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form object
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a public
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then do
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to worry
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the variable
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry over"
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Comp are Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID



I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated as
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure inside
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time that
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why not
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the
that textbox.

Steve S

Still get the same error. Here is the code in the module. The Function
MyNoData is just one of several procedures and functions in this module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Function MyNoData(strReport As String)

On Error GoTo MyNoData_Err

MsgBox "There are no " & strReport & " to be printed", vbOKOnly, "No Data"

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume MyNoData_Exit

End Function

Here is the code where I use the variables and where the error is generated:

Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " & strNewContestName)
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command143_Click

End Sub
Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Do not put the Dim statements inside a sub or function. They go at the top
of the module before any procedures. This is the "Declarations" section of a

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Sub Procedure1()
MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them in the
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or Reports

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now when I
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first
of one of the variable names.

"The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: The
object doesn't contain the Automation object intNewContestID"

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's module,
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which it's
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the variable:

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form object
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a public
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then do
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to worry
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the variable
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry over"
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Comp are Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID



I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated as
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure inside
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time that
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why not
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the
that textbox.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Did you put these public declarations in a 'regular' module (one that can be
seen in the list of modules in the Modules window of the database window)?
Is the name of the 'regular' module different from any of the procedures and
variables that are in the module?

Did you remove the Dim statements from the form modules for these variables?

Try compiling the code (in the VBE window, use Debug | Compile) and see if
you get any errors.


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Still get the same error. Here is the code in the module. The Function
MyNoData is just one of several procedures and functions in this module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Function MyNoData(strReport As String)

On Error GoTo MyNoData_Err

MsgBox "There are no " & strReport & " to be printed", vbOKOnly, "No

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume MyNoData_Exit

End Function

Here is the code where I use the variables and where the error is

Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command143_Click

End Sub
Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Do not put the Dim statements inside a sub or function. They go at the
of the module before any procedures. This is the "Declarations" section
of a

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Sub Procedure1()
MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them in
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now when
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first
of one of the variable names.

"The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error:
object doesn't contain the Automation object intNewContestID"

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?



When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which it's
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the variable:

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form object
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then do
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to worry
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Comp
are Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"),
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID



I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially
is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the
that textbox.

Steve S

Yes, the dim statements are in a regular module that shows in the database
window and I used the "find" on the current project to verify they are not
Dim ed anywhere else. Compiling shows no errors. I give up - sounded like a
good idea but I need to move ahead.

I am going to go back to the tried and true method of defining text fields
in FormA to save the values I need and have FormB refer to these fields. I
have to get this project done ASAP so I will trouble shoot this issue with a
new clean DB in a few days. Appreciate your help. Maybe you will be 'on
duty' when I repost this issue later in the week.


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Did you put these public declarations in a 'regular' module (one that can be
seen in the list of modules in the Modules window of the database window)?
Is the name of the 'regular' module different from any of the procedures and
variables that are in the module?

Did you remove the Dim statements from the form modules for these variables?

Try compiling the code (in the VBE window, use Debug | Compile) and see if
you get any errors.


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Still get the same error. Here is the code in the module. The Function
MyNoData is just one of several procedures and functions in this module:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Function MyNoData(strReport As String)

On Error GoTo MyNoData_Err

MsgBox "There are no " & strReport & " to be printed", vbOKOnly, "No

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume MyNoData_Exit

End Function

Here is the code where I use the variables and where the error is

Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command143_Click

End Sub
Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Do not put the Dim statements inside a sub or function. They go at the
of the module before any procedures. This is the "Declarations" section
of a

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Sub Procedure1()
MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub


Ken Snell

Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them in
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now when
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first
of one of the variable names.

"The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error:
object doesn't contain the Automation object intNewContestID"

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?



When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which it's
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the variable:

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form object
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then do
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to worry
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I an
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did not
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Comp
are Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"),
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID



I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only those
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were treated
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's module
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time
module wants to read the values. (The public variable essentially
is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you MUST
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read the
that textbox.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Oh, I see the problem. Sorry that I missed it before.

You must concatenate the value of the variable into the expressions. You're
using the name of the variable instead.

Change this code step:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

to this:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = " & intNewContestID) & " and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

Make similar changes to the other code steps where you use the global


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Yes, the dim statements are in a regular module that shows in the database
window and I used the "find" on the current project to verify they are not
Dim ed anywhere else. Compiling shows no errors. I give up - sounded
like a
good idea but I need to move ahead.

I am going to go back to the tried and true method of defining text fields
in FormA to save the values I need and have FormB refer to these fields.
have to get this project done ASAP so I will trouble shoot this issue with
new clean DB in a few days. Appreciate your help. Maybe you will be 'on
duty' when I repost this issue later in the week.


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Did you put these public declarations in a 'regular' module (one that can
seen in the list of modules in the Modules window of the database
Is the name of the 'regular' module different from any of the procedures
variables that are in the module?

Did you remove the Dim statements from the form modules for these

Try compiling the code (in the VBE window, use Debug | Compile) and see
you get any errors.


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Still get the same error. Here is the code in the module. The
MyNoData is just one of several procedures and functions in this
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Function MyNoData(strReport As String)

On Error GoTo MyNoData_Err

MsgBox "There are no " & strReport & " to be printed", vbOKOnly, "No

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume MyNoData_Exit

End Function

Here is the code where I use the variables and where the error is

Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not offered
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command143_Click

End Sub

Do not put the Dim statements inside a sub or function. They go at the
of the module before any procedures. This is the "Declarations"
of a

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Sub Procedure1()
MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub


Ken Snell

Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first
of one of the variable names.

"The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this
object doesn't contain the Automation object intNewContestID"

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?



When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you then
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count" step:
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see I
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Comp
are Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID



I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time
module wants to read the values. (The public variable
is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form, why
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read
that textbox.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Typo in my post. Here is corrected version:
Oh, I see the problem. Sorry that I missed it before.

You must concatenate the value of the variable into the expressions. You're
using the name of the variable instead.

Change this code step:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

to this:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = " & intNewContestID & ") and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

Make similar changes to the other code steps where you use the global


Ken Snell

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Oh, I see the problem. Sorry that I missed it before.

You must concatenate the value of the variable into the expressions.
You're using the name of the variable instead.

Change this code step:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

to this:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = " & intNewContestID) & " and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

Make similar changes to the other code steps where you use the global


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Yes, the dim statements are in a regular module that shows in the
window and I used the "find" on the current project to verify they are
Dim ed anywhere else. Compiling shows no errors. I give up - sounded
like a
good idea but I need to move ahead.

I am going to go back to the tried and true method of defining text
in FormA to save the values I need and have FormB refer to these fields.
have to get this project done ASAP so I will trouble shoot this issue
with a
new clean DB in a few days. Appreciate your help. Maybe you will be 'on
duty' when I repost this issue later in the week.


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Did you put these public declarations in a 'regular' module (one that
can be
seen in the list of modules in the Modules window of the database
Is the name of the 'regular' module different from any of the procedures
variables that are in the module?

Did you remove the Dim statements from the form modules for these

Try compiling the code (in the VBE window, use Debug | Compile) and see
you get any errors.


Ken Snell

Still get the same error. Here is the code in the module. The
MyNoData is just one of several procedures and functions in this
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Function MyNoData(strReport As String)

On Error GoTo MyNoData_Err

MsgBox "There are no " & strReport & " to be printed", vbOKOnly,

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume MyNoData_Exit

End Function

Here is the code where I use the variables and where the error is

Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not
offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command143_Click

End Sub

Do not put the Dim statements inside a sub or function. They go at
of the module before any procedures. This is the "Declarations"
of a

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Sub Procedure1()
MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub


Ken Snell

Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first
of one of the variable names.

"The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this
object doesn't contain the Automation object intNewContestID"

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?



When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you
then do
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count"
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see
I an
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did
understand what you meant by "qualified"

Please help.
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
Option Comp
are Database
Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category
strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub
MSGBOX shows 12, 243, Open 2006

Form B is opened and click on the SAVE button runs this code.

MSGBOX shows , ,

Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Command6_Click_Err

MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &

' Zero to Fee ID
Forms![Team Switch]![Fee ID] = intNewFeeID



I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought that only
defined in code module (and not in forms & reports) were
"share-able" within the .mdb file.

They can be shared, but they must be qualified by the form's
reference (just as one would do with calling a public procedure
form's module), and of course the form must be open at the time
module wants to read the values. (The public variable
is a
read/write property of the form.)

But rather than passing variable values from form to form,
form2 "look at" form1 and get its values? Or even, if you
the OpenArgs property and pass in values via OpenArgs.

Or write the value into a hidden textbox on the form and read
that textbox.

Steve S

BINGO!!! Got it. The problem was in the syntax all the time, not in the
definitions or logic. I figured it out after your previous post. That post
got me to look at the syntax.

Thank again.


Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Typo in my post. Here is corrected version:
Oh, I see the problem. Sorry that I missed it before.

You must concatenate the value of the variable into the expressions. You're
using the name of the variable instead.

Change this code step:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

to this:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = " & intNewContestID & ") and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

Make similar changes to the other code steps where you use the global


Ken Snell

Ken Snell (MVP) said:
Oh, I see the problem. Sorry that I missed it before.

You must concatenate the value of the variable into the expressions.
You're using the name of the variable instead.

Change this code step:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

to this:

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = " & intNewContestID) & " and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

Make similar changes to the other code steps where you use the global


Ken Snell

Steve S said:
Yes, the dim statements are in a regular module that shows in the
window and I used the "find" on the current project to verify they are
Dim ed anywhere else. Compiling shows no errors. I give up - sounded
like a
good idea but I need to move ahead.

I am going to go back to the tried and true method of defining text
in FormA to save the values I need and have FormB refer to these fields.
have to get this project done ASAP so I will trouble shoot this issue
with a
new clean DB in a few days. Appreciate your help. Maybe you will be 'on
duty' when I repost this issue later in the week.



Did you put these public declarations in a 'regular' module (one that
can be
seen in the list of modules in the Modules window of the database
Is the name of the 'regular' module different from any of the procedures
variables that are in the module?

Did you remove the Dim statements from the form modules for these

Try compiling the code (in the VBE window, use Debug | Compile) and see
you get any errors.


Ken Snell

Still get the same error. Here is the code in the module. The
MyNoData is just one of several procedures and functions in this
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Function MyNoData(strReport As String)

On Error GoTo MyNoData_Err

MsgBox "There are no " & strReport & " to be printed", vbOKOnly,

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
Resume MyNoData_Exit

End Function

Here is the code where I use the variables and where the error is

Private Sub Command143_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command143_Click

' Test to see if this event is offered in the other contest
intNewContestID = DLookup("[LinkTo ID]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = Forms![Team Entry]![Contest Ident]")

intNewFeeID = Nz(DLookup("[Fee ID]", "[Team Fees]", _
"([Contest ID] = intNewContestID) and " _
& "([Category ID]= Forms![Team Entry]![Category ID])"), 0)

strNewContestName = DLookup("[Contest Name]", "[Contests]", _
"[Contest ID] = intNewContestID")

' If not send message and exit
If intNewFeeID = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You can not move this team deffnition to the " &
strNewContestName _
& " contest because " & [Combo42].[Column](2) & " is not
offered in
that contest")
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox (intNewContestID & ", " & intNewFeeID & ", " &
'Open the switch team form
DoCmd.OpenForm "Team Switch", , , "[ID]=" & Me![ID]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command143_Click

End Sub

Do not put the Dim statements inside a sub or function. They go at
of the module before any procedures. This is the "Declarations"
of a

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long

Public Sub Procedure1()
MsgBox "This is a test."
End Sub


Ken Snell

Maybe I got ahead of myself but I removed the 3 variable definition
statements from the declaratives section of FormA and placed them
public module shown below.
Public Sub MyVariables()
'These variables are used to share or pass values between Forms or

Public intNewFeeID As Long
Public strNewContestName As String
Public intNewContestID As Long
End Sub

I made no other changes to the code that I sent you earlier. Now
execute the code in FormA I get the following error on the first
of one of the variable names.

"The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this
object doesn't contain the Automation object intNewContestID"

Do I have to qualify these variables? If so, How?



When you reference the "public" variable that is another form's
must qualify it by including the reference to the module in which
located. Assuming that the form that "Dim"'s the variable is named
you would use this syntax in FormB to get the value of the

Another way to do the same thing is to declare in FormB a form
variable that will represent FormA:
Dim frmFormA As Form
Set frmFormA = Forms("FormA")
TheValue = FormA.intNewContestID
Set frmFormA = Nothing

However, as Jeff correctly noted, it's much more common to put a
variable in a "regular" module, not a form module, so that you
then do
need the "form" qualifier to reference it, and you don't need to
whether FormA is open or not. Of course, you then must reset the
a default value when you're done with it so that it doesn't "carry
unexpected values the next time you use it in, say, a "count"
intNewContestID = intNewContestID + 1


Ken Snell

OK Ken here is the code behind the two modules. As you can see
I an
"re-DIMing the variables. I read your responce to Jeff but did
understand what you meant by "qualified"

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