Or such thing...
I have an Userform called "CollButtons" that contains lots of pictures
that are used as buttons. When I refer to the a picture called, for
example, "PictureABC" I type
With CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls(MyMenu)
.Controls(MyMenuItems(i, 0)).Picture =
CollBoutons.PictureABC.Picture (more stuff here)
End With
(these lines works fine in my code)
Now, I want to to have that ".PictureABC." to be any string I could
pass, that is any of the picture name in my userform CollButtons
How I do that ?
This is stupid question but I really try to found out myself.
I'm vaguely believe it has to deal with object declaration and
passing, but I'm not advanced enough in VBA to totally grasp
intuitively how I should do that...
Answering my own question after a week and posting to the group for
reference, here what I was looking for.
For Each MyControl In frmButtons.Controls
If TypeOf MyControl Is MSForms.Image Then
If MyControl.Name = MyMenuItems(4, i) Then
Set MyImage = MyControl
myButton.Picture = MyImage.Picture
End If
If MyControl.Name = MyMenuItems(5, i) Then
Set MyImage = MyControl
myButton.Mask = MyImage.Picture
End If
End If
Next MyControl
The snippet is part of a larger code I wrote to create runtime customized
menu, with *easy editable* data within code and internal customized icons
carried in the template itself. Here the code below for the benefit of
others. The code is given as it is. It may not be the best technique around
as I learned VBA two weeks ago only, but it works !
Option Explicit
Dim i As Integer
Dim MenuEntryCount As Integer
Dim MyMenuItems() As Variant
Sub PopulateMenu()
'This routine creates a custom menu in the main menu bar. It is almost
'Adapted in part from a routine and a button trick initially proposed by
Romke Soldaat
'found at _
' en-us/dnoffsol02/html/odc_ButtonBonanzaPartI.asp
'and in part from another routine proposed by Bill Coan
'found at
'FaceID can be identified with small utility FaceID Browser
'found at
ReDim MyMenuItems(5, 0)
Dim myButton As CommandBarButton
Dim MyMenuName As String
Dim MyMenuPosition As Integer
Dim MyControl As Control
Dim MyImage As MSForms.Image
MenuEntryCount = 0
'The name of your menu
MyMenuName = "Any String"
'Position in title bar
MyMenuPosition = 7
CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate
'Delete the menu if existing
On Error Resume Next
CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls(MyMenuName).Delete
On Error GoTo 0
'Syntax: FillMenu Array(Caption, Action, NewGroup, FaceID,Imagename,
'Add any number of line required, one for each menu item.
'The sub will autoajust accordingly
'The last two lines are optional. If added, they refers to name of image
'on form "FrmButtons". These images are simply modifierd and imported *.ico
'Nothing happen if the named images are not on the form. The menu will just
have no icon.
'This presentation is useful because it can be edited like a table
FillMenu Array("Item 1 Caption", "Macro", False, 0, "Item1", "Item1Mask")
FillMenu Array("Item 2", "Macro ItemTwo", True, 18, "", "")
FillMenu Array("Open", "MyOpen", False, 23, "", "")
'add as many as you wish. No change of line code logic required.
'The last redim is not necessary, but it doesn't hurt to remove an used
MenuEntryCount = MenuEntryCount - 1
ReDim Preserve MyMenuItems(5, MenuEntryCount)
'Add the menu itself
With CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls
.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=MyMenuPosition).Caption =
End With
'Add each button
For i = 0 To MenuEntryCount
With CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls(MyMenuName).Controls
Set myButton = .Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
myButton.Caption = MyMenuItems(0, i)
myButton.OnAction = MyMenuItems(1, i)
myButton.BeginGroup = MyMenuItems(2, i)
If MyMenuItems(3, i) > 0 Then myButton.FaceId = MyMenuItems(3, i)
End With
'Try to add a custom-made image if available and no FaceID present
If MyMenuItems(3, i) = 0 Then
For Each MyControl In frmButtons.Controls
If TypeOf MyControl Is MSForms.Image Then
If MyControl.Name = MyMenuItems(4, i) Then
Set MyImage = MyControl
myButton.Picture = MyImage.Picture
End If
If MyControl.Name = MyMenuItems(5, i) Then
Set MyImage = MyControl
myButton.Mask = MyImage.Picture
End If
End If
Next MyControl
End If
Next i
End Sub
Function FillMenu(ByVal ArrayGiven As Variant)
'Fill the dynamic array with table-like presented data
For i = 0 To 5
MyMenuItems(i, MenuEntryCount) = ArrayGiven(i)
Next i
MenuEntryCount = MenuEntryCount + 1
'Add another dimension to the array, preserving existing data
ReDim Preserve MyMenuItems(5, MenuEntryCount)
End Function
Sub MyOpen()
'This is just an example how to launch an internal Word commands.
End Sub