Passing variables to Function problems



I am trying to pass three variables to a function. In the sub I dim each as
a string, I set them to the appropriate value then I use the the next line
to call the function Test1. The variables are of course V1,V2,V3.


Function Test1(str2 As String, str3 As String, str4 As String)
End Function

If I use just one variable to pass it works fine. When I try to put 3 to
pass, that is to say when I put in the V2 and V3 in the calling statement I
get an error telling me a = is Expected. ("Expected: =") I assume one can
pass multiple variables to a function. Can someone enlighten me.


The parens are not the problem, I don't think. If I take your post literally
and the = Expected error is what you are getting, then you are not assigning
the value returned by Test1 to anything. Try:

WhateverKindofDataIExpect = Test1(V1,V2,V3)

Paul Overway

Yes...the parens are the problem. He either needs to exclude them, use
Call, or assign the function return to something.

Paul Overway

A simple your immediate window


Then try...

Right "whatever",1

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