Password error



When I set up outlook 2003 with my earthlink account, the
connections all tested fine. But when I click send and
receive, it prompts for my network password, which I
enter, and then I get the following error message and no
messages are received:

Task ' - Receiving' reported error
(0x800CCC92) : 'Your e-mail server rejected your login.
Verify your user name and password in your account
properties. Under Tools, click E-mail accounts. The
server responded: -ERR syntax error'

Here is the Log readout

2004.06.02 11:52:59 <<<< Logging Started (level is
2004.06.02 11:52:59 earthlink: Synch operation started
(flags = 00000001)
2004.06.02 11:52:59 earthlink: UploadItems: 0 messages to
2004.06.02 11:52:59 earthlink: Synch operation completed
2004.06.02 11:52:59 earthlink: Synch operation started
(flags = 00000030)
2004.06.02 11:52:59 earthlink: DoPOPDownload(flags =
00000030, max msg = ffffffff): full items
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( Begin
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( =========
Initial blob =========
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 (
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( Port: 110,
Secure: no, SPA: no
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( Finding host
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( Connecting
to host
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( Connected
to host
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( <rx> +OK
NGPopper vEL_5_8 at ready
<[email protected]>
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( Authorizing
to server
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( [tx] USER
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( <rx> +OK
2004.06.02 11:52:59 POP3 ( [tx] PASS
2004.06.02 11:53:00 POP3 ( <rx> -ERR
syntax error
2004.06.02 11:53:00 POP3 ( Retrying
2004.06.02 11:53:02 POP3 (
Disconnected from host
2004.06.02 11:53:02 POP3 ( End
2004.06.02 11:53:02 earthlink: ReportStatus:
RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x800ccc92
2004.06.02 11:53:02 earthlink: Synch operation completed
2004.06.02 12:00:59 earthlink: Synch operation started
(flags = 00000001)
2004.06.02 12:00:59 earthlink: UploadItems: 0 messages to
2004.06.02 12:00:59 earthlink: Synch operation completed
2004.06.02 12:00:59 earthlink: Synch operation started
(flags = 00000030)
2004.06.02 12:00:59 earthlink: DoPOPDownload(flags =
00000030, max msg = ffffffff): full items
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( Begin
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( =========
Initial blob =========
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 (
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( Port: 110,
Secure: no, SPA: no
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( Finding host
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( Connected
to host
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( <rx> +OK
NGPopper vEL_5_8 at ready
<[email protected]>
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( Authorizing
to server
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( [tx] USER
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( <rx> +OK
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( [tx] PASS
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( <rx> -ERR
syntax error
2004.06.02 12:00:59 POP3 ( Retrying
2004.06.02 12:01:01 POP3 (
Disconnected from host
2004.06.02 12:01:01 POP3 ( End
2004.06.02 12:01:01 earthlink: ReportStatus:
RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x800ccc92
2004.06.02 12:01:01 earthlink: Synch operation completed
2004.06.02 12:02:35 Resource manager terminated

Sent messages go out fine. Also, Outlook Express is set
up with the same information and it works fine. The
strange thing is that the log above the password as 5
characters, but the password is actually 6 characters. I
have reinput it several times, but this does not change.

Any ideas how to fix this?

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