"Password is incorrect" after Office 2007 SP2 is installed




I have a 2007 word addin (written in C#) and I'm facing a problem after
installing SP2 for Office 2007.

My problem - I use the Protect and Unprotect methods in order to password
protect the document. The password is a constant and never changes. After
installing SP2, when I try to unprotect the document, I get an error
"Password is incorrect".

Here are the steps to reproduce:
1. Create a word 2007 addin (shared add-in).
2. Add 2 buttons - one to protect and one to unprotect. Use a constant
3. Run
4. Protect a document, save it and close the document.
5. Open the document and unprotect it.
Result: "Password is incorrect" occurs.

*Important thing: if you protect and unprotect the document while it is
still open, it works fine. You must protect, close, open and unprotect.

Please advice,

Tony Jollans

Hi Shay,

Thank you for bringing this across here. I know from your post on the VSTO
forum that you know of the hotfix and that you have experienced problems
when trying it. Can you give details of those problems?


Of course.

My addin also saves data to the Variables collection.
After installing the hotfix the document's variables collection got messed up.

While debugging the code, I can see that the variables are added correctly
and I can also get their data correctly. After saving, closing and opening
again the document - from two variables that I'd added only one was left and
its data was something like "<x:data" if I remember correctly (it was a
number when I added it...). It was like the xml got messed up...


Tony Jollans

Thank you, Shay.

I am able to see this now. I need to do some checking to see whether SP2,
the hotfix, or something else may be to blame, before I can raise the issue.

Tony Jollans

I have raised it on "Connect" (connect.microsoft.com) with ID number 458719.
I believe it should be publicly viewable but I haven't got to grips with
Connect yet. Microsoft promise to review items within five working days (I
originally misread that as _reply_ within five working days) but I have, as
yet, had no reply to the password issue, which I also raised there, so only
time can tell what will happen next.

I am very concerned about this issue - and believe Microsoft should be, as
it engenders a lack of trust - and I hope for a speedy response; if none is
forthcoming, all I can really do is try alternate communication channels.

I will report back here when I have any further information.


Thank you very much for the effort Tony!

Tony Jollans said:
I have raised it on "Connect" (connect.microsoft.com) with ID number 458719.
I believe it should be publicly viewable but I haven't got to grips with
Connect yet. Microsoft promise to review items within five working days (I
originally misread that as _reply_ within five working days) but I have, as
yet, had no reply to the password issue, which I also raised there, so only
time can tell what will happen next.

I am very concerned about this issue - and believe Microsoft should be, as
it engenders a lack of trust - and I hope for a speedy response; if none is
forthcoming, all I can really do is try alternate communication channels.

I will report back here when I have any further information.



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