I have so many passwords.......(surprise!) that two days
ago I created a new password for my outlook express and I
cannot remember it now that I want to change it to an
easier one. I am trying for hours and I cannot remember
it............and I have ALL my contacts, and folders
with all my important messages in my outlook
express.....I can't loose it all. I am using my laptop at
work and thought would be a good idea to have a password
to enter my Outlook Express....but, now I can't access
it!!I am in panic mode....what do I do? Anyone knows? Is
there any way I can answer any kind of security questions
that would identify me and allow me to access my ourtlook
express? Or do I need to contact microsoft and pay the
whatever fee they charge? Anyone know about this issue?
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!
ago I created a new password for my outlook express and I
cannot remember it now that I want to change it to an
easier one. I am trying for hours and I cannot remember
it............and I have ALL my contacts, and folders
with all my important messages in my outlook
express.....I can't loose it all. I am using my laptop at
work and thought would be a good idea to have a password
to enter my Outlook Express....but, now I can't access
it!!I am in panic mode....what do I do? Anyone knows? Is
there any way I can answer any kind of security questions
that would identify me and allow me to access my ourtlook
express? Or do I need to contact microsoft and pay the
whatever fee they charge? Anyone know about this issue?
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!