Problem using Word 2002 SP3
If a user opens a word file and enters a Password to open using Tools>Options>Security>Password to Open 'Password' and confirms in Confirm Password dialog ALL IS OK. Password is required to open the file as expected.
However if the user enters File>SaveAs>Tools>Security Options>Password to Open 'Password' and confirms in the Confirm Password dialog. THE PASSWORD IS NOT SAVED.
We have changed the FileSaveAs code as follows (To force users to Enter Metadata for the document)
Sub FileSaveAs()
Dim myDialog As Dialog
Dim myCMD As CommandBarControl
Set myDialog = Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
myDialog.Name = ActiveDocument.FullName
If myDialog.Display Then
ActiveDocument.SaveAs myDialog.Name, myDialog.Format, _
myDialog.LockAnnot, myDialog.Password, myDialog.AddToMru, _
myDialog.WritePassword, myDialog.RecommendReadOnly, _
myDialog.EmbedFonts, myDialog.NativePictureFormat, _
myDialog.FormsData, myDialog.SaveAsAOCELetter
If myDialog.Display = -1 Then
End If
If ActiveDocument.Path <> "" Then
If Application.Options.SavePropertiesPrompt Then
ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title") = Left(ActiveDocument.Name, InStr(1, ActiveDocument.Name, ".") - 1)
Set myCMD = Application.CommandBars("File").FindControl(ID:=750)
If Not myCMD Is Nothing Then
End If
If ActiveDocument.Path <> "" Then
End If
End If
'Cancel Pressed so Exit
End If
End If
End Sub
If a user opens a word file and enters a Password to open using Tools>Options>Security>Password to Open 'Password' and confirms in Confirm Password dialog ALL IS OK. Password is required to open the file as expected.
However if the user enters File>SaveAs>Tools>Security Options>Password to Open 'Password' and confirms in the Confirm Password dialog. THE PASSWORD IS NOT SAVED.
We have changed the FileSaveAs code as follows (To force users to Enter Metadata for the document)
Sub FileSaveAs()
Dim myDialog As Dialog
Dim myCMD As CommandBarControl
Set myDialog = Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
myDialog.Name = ActiveDocument.FullName
If myDialog.Display Then
ActiveDocument.SaveAs myDialog.Name, myDialog.Format, _
myDialog.LockAnnot, myDialog.Password, myDialog.AddToMru, _
myDialog.WritePassword, myDialog.RecommendReadOnly, _
myDialog.EmbedFonts, myDialog.NativePictureFormat, _
myDialog.FormsData, myDialog.SaveAsAOCELetter
If myDialog.Display = -1 Then
End If
If ActiveDocument.Path <> "" Then
If Application.Options.SavePropertiesPrompt Then
ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title") = Left(ActiveDocument.Name, InStr(1, ActiveDocument.Name, ".") - 1)
Set myCMD = Application.CommandBars("File").FindControl(ID:=750)
If Not myCMD Is Nothing Then
End If
If ActiveDocument.Path <> "" Then
End If
End If
'Cancel Pressed so Exit
End If
End If
End Sub