password on a tab



How do i put a password on a sheet tab so that when someone clicks the tab a
message box appears and asks for a password, if the correct word is put in
they are straight into the sheet and can work/ alter the data, if not they
cant see it.
ps my sheet is called Fleet List and my password needs to be "jack"


Otto Moehrbach

You can use a Worksheet_Activate event macro. When the user clicks on the
sheet tab, the macro fires. You can write into the macro whatever you want
to happen. Maybe something like:
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim Ans As String
Ans = InputBox("Please enter password.")
If Ans = "Jack" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Sheets("Fleet List").Select
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
DummySheet is whatever sheet you want to display if he enters the wrong

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