Password protect logon database


David Ewer

I have followed the guidelines in knowledgebase article
825498 "How to create a password-protected web page...."
to create a secure area to my website.

This works fine but I now want to password protect my
access database however if I do this I am no longer able
to access my secure pages. I have used the example
scripts in the knowledgebase article with only minor
changes for cosmetic purposes.

Do I need to add something to the script to allow for a
password-protected database or can I not password-protect

I noticed a reference to username and password in the
sample file and added my database password but
this has not helped.

Can anybody suggest how I can achieve a password-
protected database?



Kyle Peterson

Your problem is most likely your connection dtring not having the
username/password info for the database.
There are tons of applications that can open a password protected access
database with one click.

Your better off putting the access database somewhere in your account where
it can not be downloaded. Either out of your web or in a folder that has
permissions set so it can not be downloaded.

David Ewer

Hi Kyle

Thanks for your reply. I wasn't aware that a password-protected Access
database was that easy to open. Thankfully the database is stored in a secure

Thanks for the advice.



Kyle Peterson

ohh.. in frontpage it is easy to make sure no one can download the database.
Connect to the site live... right click on the database folder and uncheck
"allow files to be browsed"

Kyle Peterson

yup, unfortunately

I guess if ya want real security you use MSSQL server or MySQL..

take care

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