Password protected macro


Beverly Darvill

Is there a way to password protect a macro.

The workbook it will run in is already password protected but I don't want
other users (they open it in Read Only with on the Administrators opening it
full mode) inadvertantly clicking the macro although it won't cause any
problem if they do just will stop them from viewing the workbook for about 5
mins dependant on the number of worksheets the macro has to update.


Simon Lloyd

You can put a line of code or two just before your main code, somethin

If environ("username")<> "Simon" O
environ("username")<> "Bob" Then Exit Su

Now if the windows logon name is not equal to Simon or Bob the sub wil
exit everytime
Is there a way to password protect a macro

The workbook it will run in is already password protected but I don'
other users (they open it in Read Only with on the Administrator
opening i
full mode) inadvertantly clicking the macro although it won't cause an
problem if they do just will stop them from viewing the workbook fo
mins dependant on the number of worksheets the macro has to update


Simon Lloy

Simon Lloyd
'The Code Cage' (

Gary Brown

Wrong post...AND sorry for SHOUTING :O<
Hope this helps.
If it does, please click the Yes button.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Gary Brown

Chip Pearson

If environ("username")<> "Simon" Or
environ("username")<> "Bob" Then Exit Sub

You need an AND not an OR.

If Environ("username") <> "Simon" And _
Environ("username") <> "Bob" Then Exit Sub

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2009
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)

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