Password Protected



Rather frustating reading these posts... I am more confused than ever. Like
everyone seemingly in this group, I too, am just trying to design a simple
page that would allow a client to enter in their username and password to
then be forwarded on to another page.

All my pages are asp, my server supports, I have followed the instructions
on "Password Protected Web Page-ASP and Access Database" article... twice.
And somewhere I am still missing something or just not grasping it.

I uploaded the pages and the logon page never comes up... let me rephrase
it... it doesn't come up in it's designed appearance... it just the text code.

The logon box for the username and password don't appear, there is no where
for me to enter in the information. I know I don't understand the technical
stuff that surrounds this. I am yet a simple person that used Front Page
because it was easy for us no-bodies in the web design world be able to
create a website. I would love another tutorial or direction on where to go
in the Front Page site to follow-along or any advice I can get from here
would be helpful.

Seems like as soon as a thread gets to a point that I'm saying... "Yea,
that's what I need to know", then the thread ends and no further help beyond

Wordy... I know... Please guide me :)


Thomas A. Rowe

Can you paste your code here for your login page?

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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