Password protection ... am I understanding this correctly?


Dave Horne

I have a Personal Folder password protected. When I go to another folder
and then return, I am prompted for my password. Fine, that's what I expect
.... and I have seen the options at my disposal.

What I don't understand is this - I unlock my Personal Folder and close
OneNote with my Personal Folder opened. When I reopen OneNote, my Personal
Folder is opened for the world to see.

'Lock Password protected sections as soon as I navagate from them' _is_
checked. My definition of closing the program down is 'navigating'' away.

Isn't this a glitch... or a flaw? The work-around for me - I 'navigate'
away from my Personal Folder to an unprotected Folder and then close the
program down.

Dave Horne

Dave Horne said:
I have a Personal Folder password protected. When I go to another folder
and then return, I am prompted for my password. Fine, that's what I expect
... and I have seen the options at my disposal.

What I don't understand is this - I unlock my Personal Folder and close
OneNote with my Personal Folder opened. When I reopen OneNote, my
Personal Folder is opened for the world to see.

'Lock Password protected sections as soon as I navagate from them' _is_
checked. My definition of closing the program down is 'navigating'' away.

Isn't this a glitch... or a flaw? The work-around for me - I 'navigate'
away from my Personal Folder to an unprotected Folder and then close the
program down.

Now it seems I can not reproduce this. I am at a loss to understand what is
going on. I thought this might be related to that add in that alphabetizes
the Folders on the right.

If this returns, I'll post. Could this also be an issue with the backup of
the program running while I re-enter the program?

Dave Horne

Dave Horne said:
Now it seems I can not reproduce this. I am at a loss to understand what
is going on. I thought this might be related to that add in that
alphabetizes the Folders on the right.

If this returns, I'll post. Could this also be an issue with the backup
of the program running while I re-enter the program?

I just went back and tried it again - if I shut down OneNote with a Password
protected Folder opened, and _reopen_ OneNote, the Password protected Folder
is open. Thinking the add on (Alphabetizing Folder) was the culprit, I
disabled it but this condition can be duplicated at least on my computer.
If this is a known glitch, that's fine, I won't waste my time on this.
Would someone please try and duplicate this? Thanks, DH

Josh Einstein

Hi Dave, do you have any OneNote add-ons such as my OneNote calendar running
at the time you close OneNote? Also if you have a mobile device with OneNote
Mobile configured to synchronize you might experience this. Basically, what
I think might be happening is that when you close OneNote, it's still open
invisibly. This has to do with the way integration with other applications
works. It's the same with Outlook and Windows Media Player and many other
integrated applications.

So let's assume you run OneNote Calendar (a third party application) when
OneNote 2007 is not open. OneNote.exe will get opened invisibly so that it
can provide its services to OneNote Calendar. When you close OneNote
Calendar, OneNote.exe will go away even though you never knew it was open.

Now if you run OneNote Calendar when OneNote 2007 isn't open and then you
open OneNote 2007 afterwards, it will reuse this already open instance of
OneNote.exe and make it visible. Now you can close OneNote Calendar and
OneNote.exe stays open as long as you're using OneNote 2007. Then if you
close OneNote 2007, OneNote.exe goes away. Sounds confusing I know but it's
pretty simple. As long as OneNote's services are needed (either through the
application itself or through a separate application such as OneNote
Calendar or a connected Windows Mobile device synchronizing OneNote Mobile)
then OneNote will remain open. And this could be the reason why the section
is not "closed" as far as OneNote is concerned.

So bottom line, when you close OneNote, check to see if OneNote.exe is still
running in the task manager (CTL+ALT+DEL) and if it is, that's probably the

Dave Horne

Josh, at the moment it seems to be hit or miss with this behavior. The only
add on I have is the Alphabatizing Folder one.

No mobile device, no OneNote Calendar. I'm not going to lose sleep over
this or spend more time on this. I'm just passing this information on.
Since I can't reproduce this consistently, I will continue to use my work
around - opening an unprotected folder before closing down OneNote.


Josh Einstein

Like I said, next time it happens, check to see if OneNote.exe is still
running. If so, then something is holding it open.

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