Password Protection for Individual Worksheets ???


Gina M

My question is:
Am I able to password protect "Sheet 2" within a workbook so a user cannot
even open Sheet 2, and then require them to email their supervisor to ask for
permission to view Sheet 2. The supervisor would then type in a password and
send it back to the user for viewing. Is that possible? If yes, How do I do

Dave Peterson

Nope, well nothing you could trust.

I would guess you'd have to use workbook and worksheet protection. And both of
these are very easy to break.


as dave said, both are very easy to break. anyone who can use google can get
past workbook and worksheet protection

you could set the worksheet property to very hidden and set up a button
linked to macro to unhide the worksheet with a password, but this can be
defeated by opening up the vba editor. so then you have to protect the vba
project, which also can be bypassed by anyone who can use google and has
access to a hex editor.

maybe you could put this worksheet in a separate workbook that has a
password to open, which is slightly more secure (but there are plenty of
utilities available for a small fee to crack this).

if the info is sensitive, i wouldn't rely on XL's protection.

Gina M

Thank you for your help. It's not sensitive material, so the button thing
may work. but it just seems so less complicated to create two different
workbooks. Thank you!

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