Password protection



Can I password protect an entire notebook or a Section Group. It seems that
the password protection only applies to sections.
It has actually been able to help me organize thousands of files that makes


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

You can't protect an entire notebook or section group with a single OneNote
password. But you could use passwords/accounts in Windows to control access
to the notebook.


Tracy Mendoza

Hi, I have been using OneNote for a myriad of things, and although I have
not found a way to password protect the entire notebook, I can password
protect the file folders within the notebook.

All you do is open your OneNote

Select the notebook you need

Click on the tab inside your notebook, go to the tab and Right Click

You will see "Password Protect this section" Second from the bottom.

Then, all you do is "set your password" MS suggest setting up passwords
before you enter any sensitive information. *write down password somewhere*
(bottom of bed, under, ET Center lol)

After, that you can to go options and you can set the timing for the
password to engage. I have mine set to engage as soon as I move away from
the section.

So you can password protect your entire notebook, however you have to do it
by sections. Not a big problem for me, but other may find it distasteful.

I hope this helps.

(e-mail address removed)

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