Password security for Multi user (Access)



I would like to know how to create the security password validation for multi
user for my access program.

So that the application will only show the necessary information/function for
certain user.

John W. Vinson

I would like to know how to create the security password validation for multi
user for my access program.

So that the application will only show the necessary information/function for
certain user.

Access security is a rather complex process. If you're talking about
record-level security (i.e. user A can see certain records in the table but
not others, user B can see a different set of records) you'll need to create
Queries selecting the user-specific data, and give each user permission only
to those queries that belong to them.

Download the Microsoft Access 2000 Security FAQ:

Print it out. Read it, *carefully*. Get a good night's sleep; read it, even
more carefully, a second time. Follow its instructions to the letter.

Note that for reasons of their own Microsoft has chosen to remove Access
workgroup security from A2007. I have no idea how you would accomplish this
task in native Access 2007.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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