Firstly, you do not need to unprotect a hidden sheet, to unhide it, nor do
you need to unprotect a visible sheet to hide it.
Secondly, do you want to view it, or work in it?
Insert the button in Sheet 1. Right click, and click on Properties. Set
the caption as Display Sheet 2.
Again, right click on the button, and then on View Code.
Directly under CommandButton_1.Click(), and above End Sub, insert the
following code
Sheets("Sheet2").visible = true will show it
Insert a second button, set the caption to Hide Sheet 2
Insert the following line in the code area
Sheets("Sheet2").visible = xlVeryHidden will hide it.
Using xlHidden will hide it so that you can unhide it without using a macro.
To unprotect/protect a sheet, use
Sheets("Sheet2").unprotect ("your password") or
Sheets("Sheet2").protect ("your password")
However, if a sheet is xlVeryHidden, it makes no sense to protect it, only
to unprotect it when making it visible,
Replace xxx with hotmail