Passwords in EXCEL


john petty

I am creating groups and users, but I need a way to create
some passwords (and change if need be)for these users so
that they can access some of the functionality that I have
created in my workbook (i.e. email, routing, signatures,
etc.). Depending on the user (and group) some will have
access to all and others will only have access to
signatures and routings. Please Help.



A general answer only. A fuller answer would depend on your requirements.
Set up a hidden sheet with three columns (Name, Password and UserLevel)
Present the user with a full screen form at start up. Disable the little X
Have the user input their name and their password (You can decide the
formats) on the form.
Check the password against the name. If it doesn't match, close excel.
If it matches, look up their userlevel to set what they get on their menu.
You could also set a global variable to be checked in each critical Sub to
see if the user is allowed in there.

Private Dosomething_click()
If gUserLevel <5 then
Msgbox ("You do not have authority to do this", vbOK)
Exit Sub
Do something
etc., etc.
End Sub

This isn't foolproof, as anyone here will tell you that there are several
"Password Cracking" programs for excel available on the net. It all depends
on the level of security you need.


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