paste a doc and continous numbering



I have one document containing a TOC and Section 1 of a report (the TOC
therefore shows the Headings and Sub-headings of Section 1).
The other sections are in seperate documents (one per document), but I have
kept the formatting in all documents the same with the sections being
continuously numbered (i.e. the numbering in File 1 starts with 'Section
1.0', File 2 with 'Section 2.0', etc.).
What I am trying to achieve is to copy/paste the sections required into the
first document that contains the TOC and Section 1. The purpose of this is to
compile a report excluding sections that are not needed but that may be
needed in future reports. All I would have to do then is to update the TOC
and my report is done.
Unfortunatly this is where the problem is: when I paste i.e. Section 3 into
the document containing the TOC and Section 1, the numbering for Section 3
disappears rather then continously number the Headings. The pasted Section 3
should change into Section 2 and be linked to the previous numbers.
Can anybody help me? I have been working on this issue for 4 (!) weeks and I
am now really getting frustrated.


Thanks for that, but my problem is the continuos numbering in the first
document containing TOC and Section/Chapter 1 after pasting other chapters
that are numbered. They should link up to the numbering in the document I
pasted in. I have tried all Paste Special options but that didnt change
anything - the numbering still disappeared. I assume from reading through the
link you send me that all other docs are not following the same formatting
rule even though I thought I set it up correctly. I am basically trying to
insert all the individual chapters into a single doc and then updating the

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
A TOC reflects only the headings that are actually in the document. But see
“Creating a Table of Contents Spanning Multiple Documentsâ€

Suzanne S. Barnhill

From your description, it sounded as if you were inserting just the TOC from
the other chapters. If you're actually inserting the chapter text, and if
you've used the same heading styles in every chapter, then updating the TOC
should cause it to contain the headings for all the chapters. But I'm still
not sure what you're describing. Where is the numbering disappearing from?
Are you talking about heading numbering or page numbering? In the document
or in the TOC?

Tini said:
Thanks for that, but my problem is the continuos numbering in the first
document containing TOC and Section/Chapter 1 after pasting other chapters
that are numbered. They should link up to the numbering in the document I
pasted in. I have tried all Paste Special options but that didnt change
anything - the numbering still disappeared. I assume from reading through the
link you send me that all other docs are not following the same formatting
rule even though I thought I set it up correctly. I am basically trying to
insert all the individual chapters into a single doc and then updating the


Thanks but I think I solved the problem. I tried to insert the chapter text
and then update the TOC and that didn't work. the heading numbering kept on
disappearing rather then continously number. but your first link helped me
already as I figured out that there must be a formatting issue between the
documents. Thats why it didnt work. I had to re-format every document. Took
me a while but it's now sorted. Thanks again.

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