Paste a drawing between pages and you cannot edit it



If I select a drawing on one page (a complex math formula), copy it and
paste it to another page, and then try to select part of it or edit it I do
not seem to be able to. It seems to have lost it's "ink" characteristics. Is
this because I have some setting wrong (merge drawings?).



Grant Robertson

If I select a drawing on one page (a complex math formula), copy it and
paste it to another page, and then try to select part of it or edit it I do
not seem to be able to. It seems to have lost it's "ink" characteristics. Is
this because I have some setting wrong (merge drawings?).

There was only one way I could duplicate this problem. I had to have my
'drawing' set to be treated as handwriting, then I had to paste it as a

Check your original 'Drawing' and see if it is really set to be treated
as a drawing. There are a couple of ways to do this. When you select a
drawing it will highlight all the selected ink by inverting it's color
and giving it a black outline. It will also draw a box around all the
selected ink with a dotted line and little blue sizing boxes on each
corner and side. When you select handwriting it looks pretty much like
selecting typed text. It inverts the color and makes a blue background.
You will also see the gray Writing Guide drag bar at the top. When you
select a picture it will have the dotted line box with the light blue
sizing handles on the corners or sides but the 'ink' won't be
highlighted. If this isn't clear enough then you can select the ink and
go to {Tools / Treat Selected Ink As} then see which is highlighted,
Drawing or Handwriting.

Now you have to check how you pasted the formula. When you paste
handwriting you get a Smart Tag floating menu for a few seconds. If you
click on it you can choose how you want to paste the item. One of them is
'Paste As Picture'. There is also an option to set the last selected
paste option as the default. If you somehow pasted the last item as a
picture, then set that as the default, this may have caused your problem.

As an additional note, I prefer to use Journal for things like formulas
and diagrams. It allows you to group parts of the formula and move them
around as a unit. However, it is only available on Tablet PC's and you
didn't say if you had one or not.

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