The existing text in the Word document looks like this:
The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog and feels as if
he were in the seventh heaven
of typography together with
Hermann Zapf, the most famous
artist of the...
The block of text to be inserted looks like this:
So, fellow citizens, now is the
time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country to demand
transparency, sovereignty and
How do I paste the block of text so the result looks like this?
The quick brown fox jumps over So, fellow citizens, now is the
the lazy dog and feels as if time for all good men to come to
he were in the seventh heaven the aid of their country to demand
of typography together with transparency, sovereignty and
Hermann Zapf, the most famous independence.
artist of the...
The quick brown fox jumps over
the lazy dog and feels as if
he were in the seventh heaven
of typography together with
Hermann Zapf, the most famous
artist of the...
The block of text to be inserted looks like this:
So, fellow citizens, now is the
time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country to demand
transparency, sovereignty and
How do I paste the block of text so the result looks like this?
The quick brown fox jumps over So, fellow citizens, now is the
the lazy dog and feels as if time for all good men to come to
he were in the seventh heaven the aid of their country to demand
of typography together with transparency, sovereignty and
Hermann Zapf, the most famous independence.
artist of the...