paste excel chart into adobe illustrator



hi, I have adobe illustrator CS3, I used to be able to copy and paste chart from excel 2004 to illustrator, but now I cannot do that with excel 2008, is it just me or did they remove this function? or this is a bug?


I haven't played with this yet so this is just a sneaking suspicion on my

It most likely isn't a matter of anything being *removed* so much as it as a
matter of something being Added/Replaced. Ya know all those fancy new
graphics effects for your Excel charts... I don't think Illy has any idea
what to do with them when you paste. I'm thinking you're going to have to
save the chart as a graphic file format Illy can import, place or open... at
least until Adobe catches up. That day may not come any time soon if they
don't see it as a problem, but for some time it's even been quite an issue
pasting formatted text from Word into Dreamweaver.

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