Paste from website doesn't work?



I couldn't see anything related to this on the forum so I trust this doesn't
repeat a question already posed.

In using OneNote 2007 today to grab some material from Microsoft website,
OneNote failed to correctly paste the information onto the relevant page. All
I ended up with was a note container and the 'pasted from Microsoft....' tag.

I'm wondering whether it was the content type that meant this didn't work as
certainly every other instance has worked. On the MS website, office home,
OneNote area there's an available list of Keyboard shortcuts. However,
they're all under column headings and you need to click on the heading to get
the text to drop down. I highlighted and copied that text and on two
occasions it failed to post into OneNote. I used MS Word (2007) as an
intermediary and could then copy and paste from MS Word to OneNote

Is that a limitation I should expect or does it suggest a problem?


Do you only see this when you try and copy/paste from Help, or does this
happen at other times as well?

-alex <MS>


The site in question is as per the following link:
If I select any of the shortcut detail and paste to one note I get the
following pated into OneNote:
Pasted from

But that's all there is....even though I've selected a number of lines of
text. As before, should I paste into word and then to OneNote everything is
fine. Here's the text copied and how it should appear:

Switch to the next window. ALT+TAB
Switch to the previous window. ALT+SHIFT+TAB

the above is a post into MS Word. Very same select, same ctl-c copy. as per
original post, from word into onenote will work but obviously one step is

Hope that is enough detail to indicate in full what actions are being taken.

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