Paste hangs Word


Kavitha Saivam

1. Opened a Word(say xyz) document. (Make sure this is only document opened)
2. Pressed Ctrl+ A key and then pressed ctrl+c
3. Opened new document.
4. Pressed Ctrl+P. Contect was copied.
5. Closed new document.
6. Closed (xyz) document.
7. Message box You placed a large amount of text on the Clipboard. Do you
want this text to be available to other applications after you quit Word?"
8. Selected "Yes".
9. Started Word application.
10. Press Ctrl+p . Word hangs .

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Ctrl+P = Print. Do you mean Ctrl+V?

In any case, I tried this in both Word 2007 and Word 2003 (assuming you
really mean Ctrl+V, for paste), and Word does not hang. If it's hanging for
your, then that suggests registry corruption, corruption, or a
problem with an add-in. I would follow the steps shown in the following
article (the name of the article notwithstanding, the steps/solutions shown
cover myriad Word problems, including yours):


Why are you pasting the same text twice? Steps 4 and 10?
Have you tried saying no to keeping the clipboard content available, and
then opening the "new" document. Which should have the text as per Step 4.
Does the hanging occur?

If hanging still occurs, When doing Step 2, deselect the last paragraph in
the "xyz" document, then Ctrl+C, then paste into "new" and save and close
without leaving clipboard content available.

Not selecting the last paragraph mark could ensure not pasting over a
possible corruption. How complex is the xyz document, multiple sections,
comllex tables, etc?
Hope this helps
Best of Luck

Kavitha Saivam

I have added 10 steps to indicate
that content from xyz document can be copied to another new document whereas
it fails when we close all word document and start new instance of word and
then paste same content.
and it is Ctrl + v (paste) and not ctrl+ P (in the steps).
XYZ document contains diagrams and pictures.
If it is issue with content of document , then step 4 should fail as step


I understand that the content will still be available to be pasted again
after Word has been closed and reopened.
Do you get the same hanging problem when you reopen the XYZ version 2 (from
your step 10) document?
The clipboard usually does not have problems maintaining the content for
future use, but Word (as you probably know) can easily have problems with
many situations.
When use say the document has diagrams and pictures, are these imported from
file images and pictures? Or have they been pasted in from, say PowerPoint or
Visio. That is using Ctrl+V not Paste Special, picture or Insert Picture from
File. Using formats like JPG, TIF, or WMF, EMF or PNG depending on the
original image and the required quality.

Have a play and come back with the outcome.
Best of luck.
I have had many occasions where I have received a corrupt file which
contains images pasted in from such applications and Word does not like them
Also if the diagrams have actually been created within Word itself, ie using
the Drawing function along with the dreaded floating text box, these can
sometimes cause Word to falter.
I have had the situation where the original Word document is happy with such
images, but when the content, whether all (Ctrl+A) or just a portion which
includes such diagrams is copied to a new document, this new document

Try a test, copy over only the text, no images, and see if the same hanging
problem occurs.

I have learnt through the years never to use Word-created or pasted in
images, always Insert from file

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