Paste large Excel spreadsheet into Word


Tricia Butler

I have a spreadsheet that one and a half pages long. When I insert it into
Word, it cuts off after one page. Is it possible to have a spreadsheet
continue to multiple pages in Word?


Hi Tricia,

It should automatically extend to as many pages as necessary to post your
entire spreadsheet. Are you doing a simple copy/paste? I just tried copying
a large spreadsheet of my own to test it and pasted it into Word. It
automatically extended to 5 pages in Word. I'm using 2007.

Stefan Blom

Note that if you pasted as an Excel object, the behavior you are describing
is to be expected, since Word does not allow objects to extend across pages.
Instead, make sure to paste in RTF (table) format, if necessary via the
Paste Special dialog box (Home tab | Paste | Paste Special).

Stefan Blom

In the Paste Special dialog box, you can click the "Insert link" option to
insert the Excel range as a link but still choose to paste in "Formatted
Text (RTF)" format.


Hi Tricia,

What version of Excel & Word are you using? If 2007 like mine, you can
simply copy the Excel spreadsheet, open Word and paste it. After it has been
pasted, click on the little "paste options" icon and choose to either: keep
the source formatting and link to Excel or Match Destination table stype and
link to Excel. NOTE: Do NOT close the Excel spreadsheet until AFTER you've
made chosen one of these options. If you try to copy the spreadsheet and
close it before your paste it into Word, the option to "link" it to Excel
won't be available to you.

Once linked to Excel...any time you make changes to the Excel spreadsheet,
it will automatically change in the Word document as well.

Tricia Butler

I have opened and saved the spreadsheet in 2007 - has evolved from 1997 to
2003 etc.

I followed your steps and see how this works with pasting the link. I
believe I am at the crossroads of wanting the best of both worlds - I like
pasting as an object so I can simply change the numbers that vary in Word by
entering the Excel object, but that format does not seem to span across
multiple pages. I like this better than linking to the Excel spreadsheet
because others will be using the file in the future, and so the
"self-contained" format is nice and I won't have to worry about opening two
files and finding the "Update Link" function which I don't use that often.

However, I have to be able to see all the info, so at this point, the only
workable option seems to be inserting the spreadsheet as a link, and updating
the info in Excel. I am thankful to have a workable option, so again thanks
to you and Stefan Blom for taking the time to respond and having good
suggestions! ~tricia


I've gotten to to same place with linking large spreadsheets into Word 2007,
using RTF. Works fine, intially. But after I close and reopen the Word
document, the link doesn't remain valid. I get "Error! Not a valid link" if
I use the Update Now button on the Links pop-up.


I've stumbled on a work-around. If I open the Links pop-up, select my
problem link, and change the status of the "Preserve formatting after update
" checkbox, and then click the Update Now button, I'll get an update of the
link. That seems to work.


I've run into an issue with pasting from Excel 2007 into a Word 2007
document, using the "link" paste paste special option and pasting as RTF. For
the most part it comes in to Word great, but since it spans several pages, I
like to have the top line or lines "repeat as header" lines on each page. No
problem, I can go and modify the table in Word the way I like it.
The problem comes when the Excel spreadsheet changes and I want to update
the link in Word. All the formatting I have made to the table, such as header
lines, keep with next, unchecking the default "allow line to break across
pages", go away when I update the link. This happens whether or not I have
checked the "preserve formatting after update" in the Links configuration
Any suggestions?


See reply in microsoft.public.word.tables

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