paste not working in table



I have a large database that I have to populate with
material. I tried to use paste command fpr all 1000 rows ,
but it's pasting only on the first row.

Is there a way to have all rows filled by paste command?

Lynn Trapp

That's what append queries are for.

INSERT INTO YourTable (field1,field2,field3,...)
Select field1,field2,field3,.... From SomeTable;


I agree,
but things changed un fortunately. I have different
material on every 2000 rows. Is there a way to use append
query and populate data for every single material?

Lynn Trapp

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying that you want to append new rows
and then update some of the fields in those rows?


What I am saying is that I have table with materials -
names and Product ID. Some of those names were missing at
the time of creating the database, that's why I left blank
spaces right next to the ID field that corresponds to the
material. We are talking about hundreds of rows for every
material. I am not sure if there is a way to fill the
names in the empty cells. There are around 6500 materials
and initially I had the names of 4500. Now I have to
populate the rest , but for every single material there is
about 10000 rows of activity(days of purchase, ect)

Lynn Trapp

The way you are describing the situation makes it sound like your database
is not normalized. Can you post the structure of your tables?


I received a .txt fiel containing Material ID, Name of
Material, Day of Purchase, Client, Quantity. I imported
the file in Access. The problem is that some of the
materials are discontinued and the names were deleted. I
don't know why. Everything else is in order but the naems.
The problem is that there are 4 million records, of which
a millio9n and a half are deleted(just the names) and I
have to enter the names by using the ID.Now I have to
recreate complete database and I received the list of the
deleted names that I have to populate.

Right now I am copying to Excell and pasting in Access but
it takes a lot of time.

I hope this helps

Lynn Trapp

Without knowing you data more, I'm afraid that I can't help you. It is odd
that the number of records has grown with this thread -- 1000,2000,10000,
and finally 1,000,000


Well, I have figured it

UPDATE tblMaterTable INNER JOIN SecondTable ON
tblMasterTable.ID = SecondTable.ID SET
tblMasterTable.Emp_Name = [SecondTable].

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