Paste options in Office 2004



I am attempting to simply copy a graphic image from a website to an
Office document. When I paste into my document, all I get is the text
link to the image file, not the graphic image itself. All works fine
in other products. To get it to work, I can select Paste Special and
then choose to paste a picture as opposed to plain text. I should be
able to do this without using paste special. It works fine on other
Macs that I have tested.

Can anyone advise me how to change the default paste settings?

Thank you!

Daiya Mitchell

It works fine on other macs? Really?

I've forgotten the very long previous discussion that we had about this, but
the bottom line is that it isn't as simple as you would think. A macro
might work in OS 10.3 Safari but for OS 10.4 Safari, you'll need some sort
of workaround. Clive offered one, switching browsers might be another....

This has something to do with what Safari puts on the clipboard, I think,
and that changed from Safari 1 (OS 10.3) to Safari 2 (OS 10.4). I'm
guessing those other macs don't have the same setup you do, but if they
*are* running the same browser and version numbers, let us know, as it would
be nice to have a solution for this. And what browser and OS (with version
numbers) are you using?

I think Firefox *might* behave differently, and might let you paste with a
simple cmd-v. Or maybe try other browsers--if you control-click on the
image, some browsers give a Copy Image and Copy Image Address option, you
might need to go that route.

Pasting into a different program (maybe TextEdit?) might also be a

In general, Office doesn't let you switch default paste settings, though it
would be nice in a number of contexts.

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