Paste Special...RTF messes with colors



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I'm putting together a presentation with lots of code in it. To make the code easier to read, I'm using Pygments ( to do syntax highlighting in color. The highlighted code gets generated as RTF which I pipe into pbcopy for pasting.

If I paste this RTF into TextEdit or Word, it properly renders the different text colors as dictated by the different code elements. But if I Paste Special...Formatted Text (RTF) in Powerpoint 2008, the result has colored text, but the colors are not always the same as they should be (it seems to pick random text styles, sometimes it lets colors continue for more parts of a line than it should, etc). I'm wondering if it attempts to re-color the text after the paste has been completed or something of the sort.

Any suggestions on how to get it to properly render the colors of the pasted RTF info (like, e.g. Word does)?

-- dNb


Sorry to reply to my own post, but one more piece of info: if I just Paste (as opposed to Paste Special...), I get a black and white version of the text, but with the same strange changes to the text styles. No clue why this is happening nor how to fix it.

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