Paste Table from Word in Excel - 2000 -vs- 2002



To track certain events I have a table in Word (4 columns x multiple
rows). I regularly Cut a row from Word and paste it into Excel for
archiving purposes when an event is finished
Multiple people use the same files, however, they access it from
different PC's running different versions of MS Office.

As the formatting in the archive isn't important, I have developed a
macro in Word that selects the entire row and strips out as much
formatting as possible, including special characters such as Carriage
feeds, paragraph breaks etc. Essentially I end up with a big block of
unformatted text across 4 cells which is fine, it suits the
The macro then cuts the row to clipboard and the user opens Excel and
pastes in using another macro which simply picks the next available
cell in a column and does a Paste Special (as text).
For multiple rows, the user selects multiple rows in Word and applies
the Macros

On a machine running Word & Excel 2000 both single rows and multiple
rows are pasted between the two fine.
On a machine running Word & Excell 200*2* where the user is pasting a
single row, it works fine. 4 table cells are copied across to 4 Excel
cells as expected.
On a machine running Word & Excel 200*2* and the user is pasting
*multiple* rows from Word.. only the FIRST row is pasted (correctly)...
but the others just sign of them...

Any ideas...:confused:

This only affects users on 2002 and only when pasting across multiple
rows..other circumstances it's fine.... where are these extra rows
disappearing off to ?? (I have checked under the desk ;) )

Apologies for the long winded first post but I wanted to get as many
facts in as possible.

Your help here is greatly appreciated :)

Bryan Hessey


To help track down where the error occurs, have you tried an intermediary
'Paste' to Notepad.

If this is sucessful and the paste to Excel is still in error, try a Copy
from the Notepad data and paste into Excel, to see if this works.


Thanks Bryan for the reply & tip. Only just back in the office now to do
some testing. It has certainly thickened the plot somewhat now though !

When I do this interim paste into Notepad I see that only the first row
is pasted again. - i.e. same symptoms as pasting into Excel.
Furthermore, I have tried pasting back into Word in a New Document and
see that only the first row is being pasted - I have even tried all the
Paste Special options (inc. Picture) and only the first row is pasted.

This is now suggesting to me a problem with the Copy portion of the
process, (note that the same happens if I use Cut instead of Copy), and
only the first row is making it into the Clipboard for use in other

I am now focussing on what the macro does to the formatting to see if
this is the cause prior to the Copy / Cut... as when I highlight
multiple rows from the table under normal circumstances the Copy Paste
function works normally on multiple rows (trouble is I need to remove
the formatting for it to fit into Excel properly :rolleyes: )

Thanks, and any further tips greatly appreciated :)


It would seem that my problem not in Excel after all but in Word.
When you highlight block of text in word then do a find & replace, in
Word2000 the block of text remains highlighted throughout, in Word2002,
when a character is replaced, the block of text is de-selected and
therefore then cut & paste was only picking up the current row
containing the cursor and not the originally highlighted text.
Right, I'm off to find a WORD forum, anybody know any good ones ?!

Thanks for those that took the time to read and / or assist.

I'll be back in good time no doubt now that I've found you !

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