Word 2002
We have a signature block that's in a table, which is beautiful and happy.
When someone copies it and pastes it into a new location, or a new document,
the borders (as opposed to gridlines, I'm talking about the borders that
print) come back. Is there an easy way to copy and paste this without
having the border?
I tried creating a quick fill, but even though I create the quickfill with
no borders, when I use it, the borders show.
Is there an easy answer to my question. I'm almost positive I used to have
a quickfill for a table cell that didn't have borders, but I could be wrong.
We have a signature block that's in a table, which is beautiful and happy.
When someone copies it and pastes it into a new location, or a new document,
the borders (as opposed to gridlines, I'm talking about the borders that
print) come back. Is there an easy way to copy and paste this without
having the border?
I tried creating a quick fill, but even though I create the quickfill with
no borders, when I use it, the borders show.
Is there an easy answer to my question. I'm almost positive I used to have
a quickfill for a table cell that didn't have borders, but I could be wrong.