pastespecial question


Gary Keramidas

i want to paste values and formats, this option seems to be missing.

so, i if use this to copy the values
Workbooks(CurBook).Worksheets("sheet1").Range("c" & firstrow).PasteSpecial
and then run this right after
Workbooks(CurBook).Worksheets("sheet1").Range("c" & firstrow).PasteSpecial

it seems to work, but also seems to slow things down a little.
i realize i could copy the values and then reformat the sheet, but ti seems
like a waste.

is there another way to combine the 2 options i want?

Bob Phillips

If you have XL2002 there is an xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats constant that
you can use.

Dave Peterson

do two .pastespecial's right in a row.

someotherrange.pastespecial paste:=xlpastevalues
someotherrange.pastespecial paste:=xlpasteformats

Or some combination of what you need.

Gary Keramidas

that's what i ended up doing, just wondered if there was another way.

thanks for confirming

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