pasting charts from excel 2 powepoint, Cutting off edge



I am trying to paste a excel chart that is on its own
sheet in excel to powerpoint page. But it cuts the right
side of the chart off. usually the legend is cut short.
But if you
copy a chart thats mixed on a page with other data &
charts it works fine. ?????? #$%6& I hate computers!

Doug Ramsey

Debbie K.

This is what I do to copy an excel spreadsheet to a powerpoint
presentation. First make sure the spreadsheet is in its own file:

In Powerpoint:
1. Insert
2. Object
3. Bullet the Create File Section
5. Find the file you want to insert
6. OK to finish

By doing this, you can modify as if you were in Excel. This option sizes
it automatically to fit on a full page.

Let me know how you make out.

Debbie K.

Gary Klass

In Excel, use shift-Edit -- Copy picture
What you select next depends on whether the View is sized with window.

If selecting "as shown on screen", choose bitmap.
This is what I do to copy an excel spreadsheet to a powerpoint
presentation. First make sure the spreadsheet is in its own file:

In Powerpoint:
1. Insert
2. Object
3. Bullet the Create File Section
5. Find the file you want to insert
6. OK to finish

By doing this, you can modify as if you were in Excel. This option sizes
it automatically to fit on a full page.

Let me know how you make out.

Debbie K.

Gary Klass
(e-mail address removed)
Editor, PSRT-L
4600 Politics and Government
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois 61790
(309) 438-7852
(fax) 438-7638
The Chart of the Week: http://LILT.ILSTU.EDU/gmklass/cow

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