Dave (Ireland)
Hey there,
I am using Word 2003 and when I paste in a file from OriginPro or Sigmalot I
get a greying of the image. For Origin the image takes on a very dark image
but it doesnt appear in printing or when I make a pdf of it but it is very
annoying when trying to read the data. Sigmaplot shows a grey edge as the
greying of the background is covered by most of the image.
It cant be changed by background edits etc and doesnt appenr in PowerPoint.
What is going on? It seems rather than the image getting a grey colour the
default paste absence of colour seems to be grey. Worst of all it didnt
always do this and now I cant change it.
Any help would be great as I`m going mad.
Dave (Ireland)
I am using Word 2003 and when I paste in a file from OriginPro or Sigmalot I
get a greying of the image. For Origin the image takes on a very dark image
but it doesnt appear in printing or when I make a pdf of it but it is very
annoying when trying to read the data. Sigmaplot shows a grey edge as the
greying of the background is covered by most of the image.
It cant be changed by background edits etc and doesnt appenr in PowerPoint.
What is going on? It seems rather than the image getting a grey colour the
default paste absence of colour seems to be grey. Worst of all it didnt
always do this and now I cant change it.
Any help would be great as I`m going mad.
Dave (Ireland)