Pasting from table to graph datasheet formatting


David Cuthill

I have a word macro that was originally created using Word
2000. The macro looks for a specific table within the
document copies the content, generates a chart using
MSGraph and then pastes the contents of the copied table
into the chart's datasheet. In the word 2000 version
everything worked fine.

I have now upgraded to Word XP and the paste ends up
pasting the tables data in the datasheet unformatted - ie.
rather than maintain the column and row formating from the
table the data is pasted free flowing in the first column
of the datasheet.

example ...


rather than ...

date quantity
11/12/2003 12

Has anyone else seen this behaviour and do you have an
suggestions on remedying it. If I do the copy paste
manually it works fine.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi David,
Okay, so it looks like no one else has experienced
something similar to this.
No, I can't recall having ever seen this...

Rather than copy/paste (which is always tricky), why not
read the data from the table and insert it into the data

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi David,
I am not clear on what you are meaning by read the table and then
insert it into the data sheet.
I mean loop through it, cell by cell, and write the values for each
cell into the corresponding cell on MS Graph's datasheet. Have you
ever automated an Excel spreadsheet?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan 24

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David Cuthill

Thanks Cindy ... I am familiar with automating a spreadsheet. I will
try to apply some of this to the datasheet for graph.


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi David,
am familiar with automating a spreadsheet. I will
try to apply some of this to the datasheet for graph.
OK, that's good :) It works basically the same, but the
first row/column have, as I recall, an index of 0 (instead
of 1 / A as in Excel).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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