pasting graphics into tables in Word 2002



In Word 97 using Edit Paste Special to paste a Chart Page
Excel chart into a table cell or using Insert Picture to
do the same with a jpg file automatically sized the
graphic to the table cell, so if you had a two cell table
you could easily put two graphics side by side and just
remove the borders...worked really slick, much easier than
using "float". It doesn't work in Word 2002...the table
cell and graphic both increase to fill the page. Is there
anyway I can get this to work in 2002?

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Ann,

See if turning off the option to automatically resize to fit
contents in Table/Table Properties/Table/Options helps.
In Word 97 using Edit Paste Special to paste a Chart Page
Excel chart into a table cell or using Insert Picture to
do the same with a jpg file automatically sized the
graphic to the table cell, so if you had a two cell table
you could easily put two graphics side by side and just
remove the borders...worked really slick, much easier than
using "float". It doesn't work in Word 2002...the table
cell and graphic both increase to fill the page.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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