Pasting Graphs from Excel into Word




I have a requirement to paste excel graphs into word using VB running with
Access. That is, I create the Excel graph and perform a paste - copy in to a
Word object. I tried to just paste, but Word insists on changing the font
size to fit the page, that is what I pasted was not always what I copied.

I then tried Paste special with the following command

objWord.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteEnhancedMetafile

The trouble is that the word pictures are appearing on top of each other. I
tried to rectify by adding the parameter


If I make this change manually the pictures do not overlap, however the
paramater appears to be having no effect. Does anyone know what I am doing

I am using Windows 2000 as well as Word and Excel 2000.

Thanks in advance for any offerings on this subject.



Arthur - if all you need is a display of the graph, and you will not need to
open the Excel object that contains the graph, you might want to look at
Excel's CopyPicture command. This allows you to copy an Excel object (or
cell range) as a graphic item, which means Word doesn't change anything when
it's pasted. It also means double-clicking on the graph will not open
Excel, unlike pasting in an Excel object.

For help with graphics in Word, try


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