Pasting into canvas



How to paste an image from another application into a Word
2002 drawing canvas? My problem is that the image refuses
to enter but gets pasted outside even if the canvas has
been previously selected.


What about removing the canvas?

Tools>Options>General Tab, uncheck 'Automatically Create
Drawing Canvas when entering AutoShapes'

That might help!


No Mandy I need the canvas to add other graphics to remain
in place. Thanks anyhow.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Rob,
How to paste an image from another application into a Word
2002 drawing canvas? My problem is that the image refuses
to enter but gets pasted outside even if the canvas has
been previously selected.
but aftwards you can drag it into the canvas?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


I had the same problem and came across your post while looking for help

I discovered my solution quite by accident, hopefully it helps you

After pasting the object into my document I selected it and hit the right mouse button. I chose edit picture and up popped the drawing canvas for that graphic. So, I took that to mean that the reason it wouldn't insert into my drawing canvas was that it already had one of it's own. I expanded it and included the other graphics I wanted with it and it works just fine

I hope this helps you too.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?VHJhY3k=?=,
After pasting the object into my document I selected it and hit the right mouse button. I chose edit picture and up popped the drawing canvas for that graphic. So, I took that to mean that the reason it wouldn't insert into my drawing canvas was that it already had one of it's own. I expanded it and included the other graphics I wanted with it and it works just fine!
Interesting, indeed! Thanks for sharing this with us :)

Cindy Meister

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