Pasting large amounts of text into a cell



When pasting large amounts of text (using Paste Special - Text) into a cell,
we don't see all the text. Some text appears to run beyond the cell border.
Tried the AutoFit and that doesn't make the text fit. When I widen the
column, the text still doesn't appear properly. What more can I do? Thank

Gord Dibben


Excel Help on "limits" or "specifications" reveals that Excel will allow
32,767 characters to be entered in a cell.

However, it goes on to state that "only 1024 characters will be visible or can
be printed"

To work around this limitation, stick a few ALT + ENTERs in at appropriate
spots, about every 100 characters..

The ALT + ENTER forces a line-feed and expands the 1024 limit.

How far is not really known. Just experiment.

.........From Dave Peterson..........

I put this formula in A1:
="xxx"& REPT(REPT("asdf ",25)&CHAR(10),58)&"yyy"

And adjusted the columnwidth, rowheight and font size and I got about 7300
characters to print ok.

.........End Dave P.................

Failing that, use a Text Box to store the text or MS Word which is a word
processing application, unlike Excel which is not.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

Try adding alt-enters every 80-100 characters to force new lines within that

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