Pasting Outlines from One Note to Word



I am using the One Note 60 day trial. My trial expires on October 31, 2006.
I have been happy with the product and plan to purchase it at the end of the

I recently typed an outline in One Note. I would now like to copy and paste
that outline into Microsoft Word 2000 so that I can print it off of the
computer at school and share it with other non One Note users. When I copy
the outline text in One Note and then click paste in Word, Word immediately
freezes and the program ends. I haven't had any problems copying and pasting
other notes I have typed into Microsoft Word.

I also tried the method suggested in the help menu where you can hold
control to "drop" an outline into a Word document. When I try this, nothing
is actually copied into the Word document.

Please help! The outline I spent hours working on is now trapped in One
Note!! Thank you!

Grant Robertson

I recently typed an outline in One Note. I would now like to copy and paste
that outline into Microsoft Word 2000 so that I can print it off of the
computer at school and share it with other non One Note users. When I copy
the outline text in One Note and then click paste in Word, Word immediately
freezes and the program ends. I haven't had any problems copying and pasting
other notes I have typed into Microsoft Word.

Are you saying that you have created other outlines in OneNote and
successfully copied them into Word? Can you copy those same outlines into
Word again now? Try creating a new, different outline in OneNote and
copying it to Word. Try it in the same section and a new one. If it is
only that ONE outline that won't copy then try copying and pasting it to
a new page (preferably in a new section) in OneNote then copying and
pasting THAT into Word. You can also try copying the outline in parts.

These are all standard tricks to try when one program won't copy to
another, regardless of the programs you are using.


Thank you for your suggestions. I tried copying the outline in question and
another very similar one for another class. Also, I tried copying and
pasting clas notes that I know worked in the past to see if they still did.
However, I cannot manage to paste either of the very long and complicated
outlines that are currently causing me problems. In the process of trying
all of your suggestions, I discovered that I could paste a new outline if it
is formatted in the standard way that One Note selects and that I can paste
one small segment at a time if it's only one segment of the outline and
doesn't span multiple segments (Section A and B, for example). However, in
the outline I'm trying to paste, I've made modifications. When I tried this,
the new sample no longer worked. I've typed a little example below.

This is my only observation of the differences between when it can and
cannot paste. I can go through and reformat the entire thing, I suppose.
However, I'm still not confident that this is the problem because when taking
class notes or some other form of semi-outline formatt, I cna copy and paste
fairly easily whatever dashes, bullets, etc. I decide to insert.

Thank you for your help!!!!

Do you think that purchasing the non-trial version and/or installing the
service pack will help with this kind of situation?


This worked. It's the way One Note automatically formatted it

I. Copying and pasting
A. One Note
B. Microsoft Word
II. Doesn't work
A. Try making a new one
1. Copy and paste

This wouldn't paste. I've added dashes that One Note doesn't include in its
typical outlines:

I. Copying and pasting
A. One Note
- Trial expires on 10/31/06
B. Microsoft Word
II. Doesn't work
- Copying and pasting is usually easy
A. Try making a new one
1. Copy and paste

Patrick Schmid

The OneNote Service Pack might help. But so would any Service Pack for
Word (Office) that you haven't installed. Which SP do you have installed
for Office? (Help, About should tell you).
Try Paste Special (Edit, Paste Special). In that dialog, try all options
it offers to you and see if one of them doesn't crash Word.

Patrick Schmid

Grant Robertson

Holy Cow, I've never seen anything like it. As Patrick suggested, service
packs may help. I haven't asked yet, which version of OneNote are you
using? If 03 then you MIGHT want to try the 07 beta but that has it's own
risks and gotcha s. If you do, then definitely back up your whole
notebook folder first. ON 07 is a completely different format so, after
it converts your outline to the new format it may copy and paste just

The usual disclaimers apply.


Another, simpler suggestion is simply printing the outline from One Note
directly. When I print up my class notes they come out really nice - can't
imagine why an outline would be any different. Hope that helps!

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