Pasting PrtScrn into Word as "Picture" vs a "Bitmap"




I'm hoping that someone on this NG can help we with a question regarding insertion of images in MS Word documents. I do a considerable amount of inserting screen captures (PrtScrn or Alt+PrtScrn) into word documents. If you do a print screen directly into word (e.g. PrtScrn then Edit/Paste with in Word) the image is pasted as a bitmap making the document huge. This is the case even if you do Paste Special from within Word. However, if you take that PrtScrn and first paste it into an imaging application like PaintBrush or the MS Photo Editor that comes with office, then copy from the image editing application and then Paste Special into Word, you get an option to insert the image as a "Picture" which is a MUCH smaller in terms of KB or even MB size.

I'd like to be able to eliminate the step of pasting the PrtScrn into an image editing app. I have tried a couple of the screen capture application on c|net, but these seem to paste only as bitmaps. Is anyone aware of either:
1. a screen capture utility that would allow the captured image to be pasted directly into word as a "Picture"?
2. a setting within either Word or the XP OS that would allow PrtScrn images to be pasted as a "Picture"?
3. or another solution not listed?

Many thx!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Pasting directly into Word is never a very good idea because you're sunk if
the document becomes corrupt and the screen shot is lost. It's always better
to create the graphic externally and use Insert | Picture | From File to
insert it. I have found that SnagIt ( is very useful for
creating screen shots. You can choose which graphics format you want screen
captures saved as. The basic formats available are BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, PCX,
PNG, PSD, TGA, and TIFF, but if you check the box for "Show advanced types,"
you get a huge long list of possibilities with a variety of options for

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

~Von said:

I'm hoping that someone on this NG can help we with a question regarding
insertion of images in MS Word documents. I do a considerable amount of
inserting screen captures (PrtScrn or Alt+PrtScrn) into word documents. If
you do a print screen directly into word (e.g. PrtScrn then Edit/Paste with
in Word) the image is pasted as a bitmap making the document huge. This is
the case even if you do Paste Special from within Word. However, if you
take that PrtScrn and first paste it into an imaging application like
PaintBrush or the MS Photo Editor that comes with office, then copy from the
image editing application and then Paste Special into Word, you get an
option to insert the image as a "Picture" which is a MUCH smaller in terms
of KB or even MB size.
I'd like to be able to eliminate the step of pasting the PrtScrn into an
image editing app. I have tried a couple of the screen capture application
1. a screen capture utility that would allow the captured image to be pas
ted directly into word as a "Picture"?
2. a setting within either Word or the XP OS that would allow PrtScrn
images to be pasted as a "Picture"?


I reecived this post from the NG:

Programs put formats on the clipboard in the order of the copying program's
reccommendation of best format. Pasting programs ask the clipboard in the
order it wants. Whan an asked for format matches a available format that
becomes the default format. The clipboard provides some conversions (eg put
text on the clipboard and you can paste any text format as the clipboard

Paste into word, cut from Word, Paste Special into Word (Eg Ctrl + V, Ctrl +

~Von said:

I'm hoping that someone on this NG can help we with a question regarding
insertion of images in MS Word documents. I do a considerable amount of
inserting screen captures (PrtScrn or Alt+PrtScrn) into word documents. If
you do a print screen directly into word (e.g. PrtScrn then Edit/Paste with
in Word) the image is pasted as a bitmap making the document huge. This is
the case even if you do Paste Special from within Word. However, if you
take that PrtScrn and first paste it into an imaging application like
PaintBrush or the MS Photo Editor that comes with office, then copy from the
image editing application and then Paste Special into Word, you get an
option to insert the image as a "Picture" which is a MUCH smaller in terms
of KB or even MB size.
I'd like to be able to eliminate the step of pasting the PrtScrn into an
image editing app. I have tried a couple of the screen capture application
1. a screen capture utility that would allow the captured image to be
pasted directly into word as a "Picture"?
2. a setting within either Word or the XP OS that would allow PrtScrn
images to be pasted as a "Picture"?

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