pasting resume to website



I am new at this, a empoyment website has a place to paste my resume... I
tried to copy and paste word document from desktop but does not work. When I
place the arrow on place for paste... it is just the I symbol. Please HELP!

Anne Troy

Their website interface may not accept Word formatting. You'll just have to
do your best after pasting or see if they provide a facility to upload a
Word version of your resume. This is not really a Microsoft Word question.

Hope it helps!
Anne Troy


The site says to use .doc or .txt file, I set it as word document, is this
incorrect? or should I change to .txt file? Also, is there a way to copy
file to clipboard and then paste from there? Thanks so much for your help.

Anne Troy

The site says to use .doc or .txt file
Then perhaps you're supposed to browse for it?Open the file, ctrl+A (select all), ctrl+C (copy), ctrl+V (paste).
What site is it you're using?
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy

JoAnn Paules

Suggestion: have tow copies of your resume. One in Word, one as a text only.
Believe me - you'll need the plain text one for posting online. Been there -
done that.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

Anne Troy

Agreed. :)
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy
JoAnn Paules said:
Suggestion: have tow copies of your resume. One in Word, one as a text
only. Believe me - you'll need the plain text one for posting online. Been
there - done that.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

ljarrel said:
Thanks again, the site is careerbuilder, it has happened with another
site also

Bernard W Joseph

ljarrel said:
Thanks again, the site is careerbuilder, it has happened with another site also
I just posted a resume in Word 2003 .doc format to carreerbuilder. It
worked exactly as it is supposed to. More than that, I was amazed to see
that the site read the resume and filled in the blanks on its forms.

Bernard W Joseph

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